Chapter 10!

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Author's Note:

Hello, welcome to chapter 10! This story is approximately halfway over, well more of a third. 

Lots of love, Emily xoxx


I haven’t seen or heard from Dallas in over two months. I feel abandoned and hopeless, I’ve been sick to my stomach. My dreams have been really bothering me for the last week or two because every morning I get up, I puke and it hasn’t failed yet. Some days I find myself wondering, what is Dallas doing right now? I haven’t been spending much time with anyone, except for myself.

Eventually I was let back into school and graduated with all B’s, but I never wanted to get a job or pursue my future. Depression sucks, there isn’t a day when I’m happy, I look at Dallas’ ring that sits on my dresser and sigh. I admire the way it shines when the sun shines on it. I stood up and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Ponyboy sat at the table engrossed in a book; he didn’t even look up at me because he knew that there wasn’t a point. I took out the peanut butter and onion and sour cream chips and spread the peanut butter all over the chips and then put a pickle next to it. Yum. I thought as I took a bite of all three combined. Pony looked up and gave me a weird look and then shook his head. I didn’t know why he was looking at me funny; I thought you were supposed to eat what you crave. I ate in a lonely silence until Sodapop broke the silence. “Hey, Summer, you’re actually alive.” He said. I looked at him with no humor and his smile eventually faded away. “You look like you get your cravings from me.” He said beaming from ear to ear as he realized what I was eating. I shrugged and he sighed and walked out of the room. Dallas thinks I’m a horrible person so I should just keep quiet and not burden everyone else with my presence.

“Lighten up, Summer.” Pony said with a pleading look in his eyes. “I want my cousin back.” He said.

His words had really moved me and I spent the next few days really taking them into consideration. He was right, I wasn’t being myself but I couldn’t get over Dallas and how quickly he had gotten over me. I should be putting in an effort to move on because there was no hope of a future with Dallas anymore. I smelt the aroma of chicken being fried downstairs and I ran to the bathroom and hurled up my now normal breakfast of peanut butter, pickles and cornflakes. I broke a sweat and mentally cursed Darry for cooking fried chicken. Everything had been getting to me and with my strange diet I had been putting on a little weight. My clothes just weren’t fitting me the same, I had been bloating and my sweats have been a little tighter than usual. Dallas is a true heartbreaker and now I’m getting fat. I groaned in desperation and pushed myself up and turned on the shower, it’s been a few days since I have showered and I figured I didn’t smell too great.

I walked downstairs and put on a terrible fake smile that was more of a grimace but I was trying. I couldn’t glower in my rooms for ever and I knew that as well as the next person so I figured socializing a bit would start me off on the right foot. I sat down on the couch with my legs tucked underneath me, the room that had just been loud with laughter had now gone quiet. “What’s up?” I said with my voice cracking from haven’t said a word in about a week.

“So you decide to talk now?” Soda demanded his face turning a shade of pink with anger or frustration.

“I-I’m sorry.” I said looking down toward the floor. “I wasn’t ready.” I said embarrassed.

“Don’t give me that, Summer, I know you better.” He said.

“At least I thought you did.” I said.

“None of us even know why you’ve gone into your mute stage and why you throw up every morning.” He said accusingly. I really didn’t know why he had that tone of voice.

“I’m heartbroken, Soda, I puke every morning because of it.” I said with a shake of my head.

“Yeah sure.” He said with a look of disbelief. Out of all the people in that room, Soda was the last person I would expect to act this way.

“What happened with him?” Darry asked.

“What didn’t happen is a better question.” I said with a shake of my head, really not wanting to go into details.

“Oh, I don’t know what happened but I’ll be there for you, Summer, you need our support when you’re hurting the most.” Darry said giving Soda a look of distaste.

“Thanks, Darry.” I said. The door opened and Copper walked in and smiled at Darry.

“Hey, Summer, how are you feeling sweetie?” She asked with sincere concern.

“A lot better, thank you.” I said lying. It’s not that I enjoy lying but I’m so believable and I figured she’d be spilling everything she heard from me to her poor excuse of a brother. She walked over to Darry and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I could see that they had progressed in their relationship. Darry whispered something in her ear and she giggled. It was hard to be around. I was happy for both of them but it hurt seeing others be so happy when you are in absolute despair. I felt a piercing pain in my stomach and my hand flew to my stomach.

“Ow.” I said and took a deep breath and waited for it to subside.

“Are you ok?” Pony asked rushing over to me.

“Yeah, guess that fried chicken smell is still getting to me.” I said with a shake of my head.

“Summer, you love fried chicken.” Darry said.

“Everything’s been getting to me lately.” I said.

“Summer!” Copper said with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

“What?” I asked clearly confused.

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