Chapter 4

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Emily xoxo


“Summer, are you all right, where have you been?” He asked.

“I’m fine, I decided to spend the night with Dallas.” I said.

“Whore.” I heard Copper snap in the kitchen.

“I’m not a whore.” I said innocently.

“Did you fuck?” She asked.

“Yeah.” I said, figuring that honesty is the best policy.

“Then you’re a whore.” She said simply.

“Thanks.” I said.

“I thought that you said you weren’t going to do anything with him.” Darry said disappointed.

“Honestly, so did I and Dal, but by the time we got to Bucks one thing just led to another. Darry you’re a grown man, you should know that sometimes you do things you don’t plan in relationships. Right?” I asked.

“I guess I understand.” He said with a shrug.

“Was he your first?” Copper asked.

“No. I lost it in seventh grade to my boyfriend at the time. Yeah, I know I’m a no good whore and should go crawl in a hole and never come out.” I said.

“Basically.” Copper said.

“Copper, I wish you would get along with my cousin.” Darry said.

“Yeah, I wish your cousin wasn’t such a whore.” She said.

“Wait, are you two like an item?” I asked shocked. Darry shook his head.

“No.” He said.

“You will be, you’re already like a married couple, wonder how Dal’s going to react to that.” I muttered.

“I’m not marrying Darry.” Copper said.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that, I think you guys make a cute couple anyways.” I said shrugging. “Well, I need a shower and then I need to eat.” I said.

“I saved you some dinner, if you want that or Copper’s cooking some eggs if you want that.” Darry said.

“I’ll have some eggs if it’s ok with Copper.” I said.

“It’s fine, I’ll fatten up the whore so no one will want her.” I heard Copper say. I rolled my eyes, not in the mood to argue about senseless things. I walked up stairs and picked out clothes and took a quick shower. I got out, dried my body and hair and then got dressed into light gray jean shorts and a tight purple tank top that had a gold crown in the middle of it. I put my hair up in a high bun my natural curls poking out in random places. I put on my black high tops and ran downstairs. “Foods done.” Copper said. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the plate of food.

“Thank you.” I said and sat down at the table and ate my breakfast. “Where are the rest of the guys?” I asked noticing that the house was really empty.

“Soda and Steve had work, Two-Bit hooked up with a girl last night and never came back and Johnny and Pony went to see a movie about an hour before you got here, Darry has to pick them up soon.” Copper said simply. I really didn’t like her taking over the mother figure in the gang; it was really starting to annoy me.

“Oh, I see.” I said with a shrug.

“I heard that you’re going to be able to fight in the rumble.” She said.

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