Chapter 9

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Author's Note:

Welcome to chapter 9. Kicking this month off with some drama! I swear i need a mental reminder for me to post! Well pretty please vote/comment/fan! 

Love you all and thanks for the support!

Emily xoxo


“See baby, that wasn’t so bad.” He said out of breath but then again so was I.

“No, it was…nice.” I said with a smile. “Why do you always want to have sex?” I asked.

“Why the hell wouldn’t I want to have sex?” He asked.

“I don’t find that it is necessary to have sex every single day that I live.” I said.

“Fuck it, I’ll still be fucking you when I’m dead.” He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever, Dally.” I said. I laid back down and thought about every second of the night and smiled. I gasped and shot straight up in bed. “Dallas, did you use a condom?” I asked.

“Sure I did.” He said with a smile.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“Yeah, I always use a condom.” He said with a roll of his eyes.

“Then when did you take it off?” I asked.

“Shit!” He yelled and began ramsacking the room looking for a used condom. “I forgot because you were riding!” He yelled.

“Don’t you go and blame it on me!” I yelled.

“You shouldn’t have forgotten.” He snapped.

“You shouldn’t have forgotten, I don’t see how it’s my fault when you’re the one who wears the fucking condom!” I yelled.

“What’s the big deal anyways?” He asked.

“I probably now have every disease that you have and we should have been protected because I could easily get pregnant.” I said.

“Get the fuck out of here, you no good filthy whore!” He yelled.

“What the fuck did I do?” I demanded. He just shook his head and pointed to the door. I shook my head and he stood up opened the door and pushed me out of the room.

“Fuck you Summer!” He yelled throwing something.

“Fuck you right back, Dallas.” I said and ran down the stairs and the events of the night began crashing down on me.

 I felt as if my heart had been put through a shredder and ripped to pieces. I was completely devastated and furious that Dallas had even gotten upset and tried to blame me for ‘forgetting’ a condom. I guess it kind of is both of our faults because I shouldn’t have been so eager to go for a ride. Dallas had taken it too far this time and I fiddled with his ring that sat on my finger. A tremor of worry washed over me. I could be pregnant…with Dallas Winston’s child and it was all my stupid fault. I felt sick to my stomach and my saliva began to thin and I knew that I was going to puke. I sat on the curb with my head in between my legs and vomited. I opened my eyes and saw that I had vomited on my shoes which brought another wave of nausea over me. Blackness surrounded me and it was all I saw.

I stood up and trudged home and sighed as I opened the door. I slipped off Dallas’ ring and placed it in my pocket. I had to act like everything was ok. Darry would really kill me if he found out that one, Dallas had gotten me upset and two, that I could be pregnant. I walked into the house with a smile on my face and a sadness in my heart. “I’m home!” I called.

“We’re in the kitchen, you naughty girl.” Two-Bit said with a fit of laughter.

“Please. Shut. Up.” I said not wanting to bring back the events of the day. Everything had been so good just a few hours ago and now it’s all ruined.

“Damn.” Two-Bit tried to mumble under his breath. I walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Soda.

“Hey.” I said awkwardly.

“What’s up?” Pony asked.

“Not much, what’s for dinner?” I asked as I noticed that Steve was already equipped with a knife and fork.

“Just some meatloaf and pasta.” Darry said stirring the pan of sauce.

“Yum.” I said with a fake smile.

“How’s ol’ Dally?” Soda asked.

“Fine.” I said.

“Oh, I thought he was coming over for dinner?” He asked.

“Guess he changed his mind.” I said. I saw Johnny’s eyes trail to my now ring-less finger. He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and hoped no one else would catch on.

Darry finally passed around plates of food and the aroma of the food wafted over me and I realized that I really hadn’t eaten today. I shrugged mentally and dug in.

“That was really good, Dar.” I said patting my stomach.


“Do you want me to wash the dishes?” I asked.

“If you really feel the need to.” He said and I smiled.

“I don’t mind.” I put my hand in my pocket and slipped on Dal’s ring before picking up everyone’s plates. I washed the dishes after placing his ring back in my pocket, listening to the guys who were horsing around in the living room. I tensed up when I heard the door open and heard Dallas’ faint voice. That boy has some serious nerve. He’s lucky I don’t chop off his dick. I thought angrily.

“Is Summer here?” He asked and I felt my blood instantly start to boil.

“Where else would she be?” Darry said and I could hear the roll of his eyes. “She’s in the kitchen.” I heard Dallas’ footsteps come closer and closer to me. I whipped around and looked into his eyes. He stared into my eyes for a few minutes, neither of us saying a word.

“Summer.” He said with a soft edge to his voice. I shook my head and continued washing dishes. “Summer, I’m sorry.” He said and I could hear the remorse in his voice.

“Sorry for what?” I asked.

“Everything, I guess. After you left I was thinking and I calmed down. You just ticked me off when you said I had diseases. Those kinda remarks get to me.” He said looking down at the floor.

“Dallas, I forgive you.” I said but my heart didn’t mend itself magically back together. I still felt as if I was torn to pieces and him being there just made it worse. He took another step toward me but then glared down at my hand. He shook his head.

“You took off your ring?” He asked.

“I was mad and it didn’t feel right with me wearing it when you we were mad at each other.” I said.

“Well, are you going to put it back on?” He asked.

“Of course.” I said.

My eyes flashed open and I felt the wind whip around me. What? Where am I? I thought. I sat up from the curb and looked at the dried vomit around me. The emptiness in my heart told me that nothing that just happened really did occur. Dallas is still mad at me, I didn’t eat any meatloaf and my heart is no less apart. All hope that I had felt in my dream was all gone. But it was so vivid, it had to be real. I thought hopelessly. Tears began spilling down my face again because now I know that there is no hope for Dallas and I. I’m all alone and Dallas hates me. I felt so sick to my stomach with sadness because Dallas Winston didn’t change. He’s still his same old coldhearted ass.

Everything's Changing- A Dallas Winston Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now