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"to everyone fighting their inner demons, don't let them win."

The thunder crackles producing waves in the otherwise dark blue sky. It goes on like this for three to four times again. The sound was so loud, as if one is standing just beside the thundering lightening. It had never rained so loud until this fateful day. The sky was painted in different shades of grays and blues ever since the evening struck. It started off with little pitter patter of the rain. Like tiny water droplets dripping from a loose kitchen tap. But it was only for a brief period of time. As the night started to approach and sky finally turned to the darker shade of blue, it grew more violent. Almost like screaming. The rain was pouring down now. That serene pitter patter far gone, replaced by the raging storm. It was thundering. Sparkly white coloured current passed again in the sky creating a beam of light in the quiet, dark Haveli.

The haveli was a decade old. It's walls were of rusty brown colour. The doors clamped shut due to the hour of night. The guards standing glued to their fixed positions. Alert at mind and brave at heart. Some have been working for generations for the people of the Haveli. The round and vast living room held no one. The corridors were usually quiet. All lights shut off. Everyone was sleeping not paying much heed to the raging storm outside. But only one figure was pacing back and forth in the balcony of her room with a cell phone in her hand. Worry etched onto her features. Eyebrows drew together in concern, lips pressed in a thin line and sweat gliding her forehead even while standing in the chill weather due to the rain and storm. Her lean figure was clad in a dark maroon chadar. She dialed a number on her phone and heard as it says the same thing over and over again

'the number you're trying to call is unreachable'.

The lightening thundered again making her worry more than scared. Not for herself, but for someone else. Her pacing starts again and she muttered worriedly under her breath

"Where are you Hammad?"

"What in the hell!" He grunted for the umpteenth time now. The four wheeled vehicle had died upon him for the second time now. He was already very late due to the storm. He was being extra slow due to the slippery roads and dark. Taking a side glance at his watch, his eyes widened seeing the hour clock at two in the morning. He took hold of his phone and finally sighed as he noticed signals. He quickly dialed a number and waited for the other side of the phone to pick up

"Hammad where are you?" A worried and frantic voice asked. His lips turned up into a smile and he rasped out

"I'm fine. My car broke down in the middle of nowhere". His voice was tired due to all the exhausting drive and work.

"Are you okay? Should I send someone for help?" She asked in one breath. He chuckled. He chuckled at her concern for him. He said into the phone

"Zainab, love, I'm absolutely okay. Don't worry and go to sleep. I'll be back home soon." His statement didn't calm the young woman down as she called out

"I'll wait for you". He smiled knowing he can't win against his woman, his wife. He hang up after a while and get out of the car. He stood to his full height around 6'1. His gaze wandered here and there for desperate help. He looked at his phone and decided to call for some help when he heard some ruffling in the streets. He looked alarmed because at this hour of night, it could be anyone from goons to serial killers. He looked here and there, but after some seconds he heard whimpers, like a small timid voice weeping silently. His eye brows drew apart to take a good look at someone. It was hard due to the rain.

He slowly moved forward, his steps cautious. As he walked closer to the end of the street, he could hear those whimpers have turned into sobs. He finally reached the end of the street and saw a petite figure crouching on her knees. Her face was hidden in her knees and her arms were wrapped tightly around her. She held herself in her cocoon. Her black shawl was covering her shivering frame providing no sense of warmth in the cold. He stood at a safe distance from the weeping woman and called in a slow, cautious voice

"Hello". The woman turned her head so quickly that he was afraid for a second that she'll break her neck. Fear clouded her eyes and she started crawling back while wrapping the shawl even tighter around her body. He quickly held his hands up and muttered

"I'm not trying to hurt you". His words fell on deaf ears as the woman only sobbed more and started pleading

"Please leave me. Let me go". The woman looked hysteric. Her words were coming out in small pants as her lips shivered with the cold. She was about to run when he blocked her way. He still managed to maintain a safe distance and asked

"Are you okay? I'm going to help you". The young girl looked into his eyes and he saw how her vibrant brown eyes have turned red from under. Her irises almost dilated due to all the crying. No matter how she looked, there was something wrong with her. Hammad quietly whispered to the girl who was visibly calm now

"Look I'm not going to hurt you. The weather is getting worse. It won't be safe to stay here." His words were so polite. His tone soft and eyes sincere. She hiccupped and said

"I ran away from home. I have nowhere else to be." Hammad sighed. He knew that it could be something like this. But the woman here was not someone who would run away from home. She looked too dignified and the way she was talking with hushed words and eyes on the ground, she was hopeless and desperate not characterless. He told the woman

"Don't worry. I'll take you to my home." Her eyes widened in fear and she frantically shook her head

"No no.. I'll be fine. I will not go to your home". He pinched the bridge of his nose. He can't let the woman here all alone. She looked so fragile and small while quivering. He finally said

"I know a relative. I'll take you to her house." The woman nodded. He nodded his head at her and started moving towards his car. As she started walking, he called for the help while walking behind the woman who was taking very small steps. He urged the woman once they reached the car

"You stay in the car until the help arrives". The woman nodded and thanked him

"Thank you". It was so weak and small that he almost didn't hear it in the loud showers, but he did. The woman sat inside while he waited for the help.

Asalamoaliukm everyone here is the prologue of the story.
Let me know your thoughts about it.
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Till then, Allah Hafiz.

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