|09|: Terror/دہشت

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"Peaceful sleep has become as rare as true love"

The hours ticked by with slow speed. The darkness of the night was increasing second by second. The eerie silence of the house was adding more to the loneliness of the house.

Safa sighed. Glancing at the clock, she found it close to midnight. She looked back at her books which were scattered onto her bed. She came home around eight thirty after dropping Bua Ji. She wasn't sleepy so she decided to cover her course. She was so engrossed in her studies that she forget that she's been busy in it for maximum four hours. Feeling her muscles stiff under her touch, she finally closed her books. She was tired now. Her eyes were droopy, headache was forming in the back of her head and fingers were buzzing due to constant writing.

Keeping all her things back in her bag, she relaxed on the bed. Massaging her temples, she grabbed her phone. Checking for any messages from Bua Ji. But there was still time in her flight to land. She started scrolling through her phone and loss sense of when she slept.

The cool wind blew the little strands of hair at the back of her neck. The chilly weather was a gift after the scorching summers. Safa was doing the house chores. Her hairs gathered in a messy updo. Dupatta tied on her shoulder. She stirred the daal in the pot when she heard voiced from outside the kitchen. She stopped whatever she was doing and went to see who was there.

When she finally took a look at who was outside, she wished she never once come out of the kitchen. Her breaths started to rag and she clutched the end of her dupatta tightly letting the material wrinkle her soft skin.

Drunken and disgusting eyes ran over her body, taking in her scared and petite form in a lustful gaze. Those eyes were trouble. Not for anyone, but just for her. A shiver ran down her spine, igniting the tremor of discomfort in each cell of her body. Without thinking she just paddled back into the kitchen. The daal has come out of the pot. She at once started to clean it, diverting her mind from the scene that just occured moments ago.

She was almost done when she felt it.

The twitch of her muscles and the rising of her neck hairs.

Her breaths started to come in pants. Sweat glided down her forehead like droplets of water. She still had her back towards the intruder, but she knew who it was.

Drunken disgusting eyes.

She felt the small hum of footsteps before she felt the touch of a calloused hand on her back. Making it's way upward her back, almost caressing.

And with that she screamed. Loud!

She jerked awake from her nightmare. Pants left her lips and she found it hard to breathe. Sweat clouded her skin. Keeping a hand on her heart, she felt it beat with inhuman speed. Her hands were shaking. Mind was disturbed. Soul was distraught. Taking a glance at the clock, it was close to four in the morning. Pushing the duvet to the side, Safa stood up from the bed. Opening her room's window, she let the cool air swept in. Taking her fear with it as the curtains blew. Intaking large whiff of air, she felt at ease.

No matter how much she tries to put it past her, these nightmares always resurfaced. Freeing from the clutches of slavery she kept on them. She has no idea how much longer is she going to suffer like this.

It is unfair.

It's been close to a year since she has left the paws of her past yet every time she thinks she is winning, her ghosts of the past make nasty appearance. Coming back from the shadows to create havoc in her smooth life. Wiping away any scent of peace.

Her ring of phone caught her off guard. Quickly looking at the caller I'd, she was glad it was Bua Ji.

"Asalamoaliukm." She heard the soft voice say. Instantly, relief wrapped its arms around her self and she relaxed.

"You've reached safely?" Safa asked after replying to her greetings.

"Yes. I wanted to check in on you." She heard her say. Warmth flooded her stomach at her care.

A bond greater than blood. She thought.

"I'm fine Bua Ji." She tried to sound as confident as she could.

"Yet you're awake at this hour." She pursed her lips. Of course, Bua Ji caught her lie. She heard a small sigh from the other end.

"Kiya pareshani ha, Meri Jaan."
(What is the problem, My love)

Tears almost leaked out of her eyes as she heard the underlying love and affection in Bua Ji's tone. She couldn't help but sniffle. She could hear the alarm in Bua Ji's voice as she asked her

"What's wrong, beta?"

Safa composed herself and said

"I miss you." Her voice came out small and scared. Like a child who is alone at home for the first time. Bua Ji sighed and told her

"Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. Chalo shabash rona band karo."
(Now come on stop crying)

She chuckled, but stopped crying. Strangely her heart felt at ease. Knowing someone was there to listen to her worries. The next minutes passed in the conversations between her and Bua Ji untill she heard the call of prayer and the uneasy feeling in her heart finally subsided.

Asalamoaliukm everyone. So this was a short chapter. But a little in sight to Safa's past. Hopefully, you'll like it.

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Till then, Allah Hafiz.

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