|35|: Game/کھیل

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"تم تکلف کو بھی اخلاص سمجھتے ہو فراز
دوست نہیں ہوتا ہر ہاتھ ملانے والا"

Holding the steaming hot cup in her hand, Safa knocked at the study door. Her husband has been inside this room for hours. Most of his days are spent either in offices or his study. He's just confined himself to his work. Opening the door slightly, she peeked inside. There he was sitting in his chair wearing his glasses that were resting on the tip of his nose. His head was buried in files and she was confirmed he hasn't heard her knock. He looked handsome in those glasses though. Making all sorts of butterflies swim in her stomach.

"Relax a little."

His head snapped at her remark. He sighed and took off his glasses putting them onto the table, he rubbed his temples. She slowly walked towards him aware of his state and droopy eyes. It was close to ten. Stopping beside him, she placed the cup onto the table. He took a sip and a smile instantly formed on his features.

"That was much needed."

She changed her position and stood behind him. He looked a little confused, but when he felt her soft hands massaging his temples, he visibly relaxed. His tensed muscles loosen up a bit and he rested his head on the back of the chair.

"You know you don't have to work so hard."

She muttered. She didn't like how he was burying himself deep in work not caring about his health. It is unfair.

"If I won't work hard, who will?" He asked while taking hold of her hand, eyes still closed. She smiled and said

"You know you're very selfless." Her statement drew a chuckle from him and he slowly shook his head

"I don't think that's the right word."

"Why not?" She asked not liking the worthless tone he was using.

"You are the most caring person I've seen. You care for people around you. You care for your family and you're working hard for the company. You give yourself less credit."

She blabbered at him. She couldn't have thought that he was drowning himself in self loathe.

"I should've helped my brother when he was alive. But I stayed to my reckless ways and now that's he's mur.....gone, only then I realized what a little piece of sh...."

He was stopped by a finger to his lips. Glancing at his wife's eyes, all he saw was appreciation for him. There was this warmth that was taking over his darkness. Same magical spell that was befalling him. Everything about her was different like she was his other half, maybe she is. His other half.

"Don't say like that. Your brother loved you very much. I know from the way he talked about you. He never once complained about you. He was happy that you were free and void of any responsibility. You were his pride. I believe if he was here, he would have been angry with you for thinking so low of his brother."

His words somehow daggered his heart and he felt light. Those words were magical. He never knew his brother was happy with his reckless behaviour. Of course, he always encouraged him to go office, but he never once forced him, allowing him to work at his own pace. Gazing into those soft eyes, he felt this sudden urge to hold her. To feel her in his arms, but he did nothing of that sort.
Instead, the words escaped his lips before he could even comprehend them.

"I love you."

With widened eyes, his wife gazed at him. Her face was conveying her shock and surprise. Retreating her hand, he knew she'll close off, so he reached forward and grabbed hold of her face. Caressing the side of her face, he looked deeper into her eyes and said again

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