|10|: Motherly/شفيق

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The rustling of the files was the only sound resonating in the otherwise silent room. The dark mahogany table was scattered with files of all kinds and other office stuffs. The two men were engrossed in their work. They've been constantly working since the morning, not even taking a lunch break. Finally the dark haired man looked up and a stranded sigh escaped his lips. Cracking his knuckles he said

"I'm taking a break, you Robot."

Subhan very graciously ignored his best friend's whinny comment and kept working. He heard another grunt of annoyance before the file was snatched out of his hands. He huffed and glared at the young man before him

"Drop it, Altamash." But finally he let go of his glare and took a sigh of relief. Calling his secretary he ordered garam chai for both of them. Massaging his temples, he tried to ease the throbbing nerve in his brain.

"These files are messed up. Norrie project should have been done a long while ago."

Altamash said. This project was in the processing since about two years. It's frustrating that it's not completed yet.

"The feudal lords are fighting hard over their lands. They're not giving in to our demands." Subhan stated.

Of course he had only taken control of the project just months ago. He has yet to talk to the feudal lords. There are other equally major obstacles in his way. People are not happy with him being the CEO. They are opposed to the idea of him leading the company granted his reputation of a carefree wild boy before his brother's death.

There has been pressure upon him. He has to pour all his best in everything. Be it hiring new employees or taking such small decisions as firing someone. He hasn't fired anyone, but he knows it. People will always object to his supervision. He has to take every step with cautious planning. Take every decision with sheer acknowledgement. And important of all, be a good leader.

"We'll deal with this. You should take a rest."

Altamash probed. He knew this man since his diaper days. Subhan just nodded at his advice. He coughed a little and asked a sensitive question

"How is everything at home?" Altamash only shrugged. Like the question didn't trigger him.

"Same." His clipped response was the clear indication of his distaste to the question. Subhan didn't probed further.

What happened to his best friend was unfortunate. He can't imagine going through what he went through. Shaking his head as to pull out all the negative thoughts out his head, he busied himself in reading a file.

Rest can wait.

The files drained Subhan as he heaved a sigh of relief after finally going through them. It took all his strength to look into those files. He's never done it before. This was new to him and he was slowly getting into his new role. The phone ringed bursting his train of thoughts.

He attended the call and greeted her.

"What happened, Ammi?" He asked. It was unusual of his mother to call him during the work hours. Narmeen Durrani was a woman of nobility and believes in the hard work.

"When are you coming back home?" He looked at his watch and saw it was three past fifteen.

"I'll be late." He heard his mother tsk. He frowned.

"What's the matter, Ammi?" He finally heard his mother speak on the other end

"I was thinking of visiting Zainab."

His posture went stiff. This name brought memories. He nodded as if she could see her.  He said slowly to his mother

"I'll call the driver for you." Narmeen refused immediately.

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