|37|: Disturbance/خلل

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Hours had passed since he sat there. The dawn was peeking from the horizons as shades of blues painted the sky. There were no voices. Just the whoosh of air and rustling of the nearby trees and leaves. Subhan was leaning his head on the steering wheel, taking in the silence that surrounded him. But he wasn't making any sense. He was hurt. Broken and clearly disturbed of the incident that taken place few hours ago.

He couldn't make sense of the situation and just walked away. He found it the best option because he knew in rage or anger he'll do or say things that'll hurt her. And for the love of God, he can't bear that. Even in his distress state, he felt guilty of how he tackled the situation. He should've listened to her. But still whatever she has to say, she should have tell him sooner. Now she's in danger too, because there might be a possiblity that whomever that is that killed his brother might hurt her too.

But the sting of betrayal is sharp. Poking at his insides. She knew all this while that her brother was killed and she stayed silent while the killer lived and thrived and moved on with his life. His dearest brother was lowered to the ground at just the age of 34, leaving his weeping wife behind while that crappy excuse of a person lived. That's what hurts the most. The good died and evil survived. And the biggest evil is that this evilness was supported by the silence of everyone. If she has spoken before or reached out for help, he would have his brother's killer spending his punishment. For God's sake, he could've been hanged long ago

But she stayed silent.
Never once did she tell him the truth making the killer strong and attack them.

Now he's sure that the one behind all this game is the same person that murdered his brother months ago. But this time, he has hell to pay for. He will rot and everyone else will thrive with whom he has done any wrong or evil. He will be finished while the suffered will find closure and peace.

His phone rang creating sound in the silent car. He glanced at it and attended the call after three rings.

"Finally. I've been trying to reach you. Where are you?"

Altamash grumbled into the phone. Right he left home around eleven at night. Since then he's been MIA.

"Subhan?" When he didn't speak anything into the phone for a while, came his best friend's voice loaded with worry.

"I'm fine. What's the matter?"

"You don't sound fine. Where are you?" Came his urgent statement. He could even hear him rushing out the door from the phone.

"I'm fine, Altamash. I just had a rough night. I'll meet you at the office at ten."

He cut the call off and threw the phone onto the passenger seat. Sighing, he started the engine and drove straight for the graveyard. Chills ran down his spine when he finally reached there. Stepping out of the car, he slowly walked to where his brother is resting. The gravestone before him brought tears to his eyes and he couldn't help but let two or three fall before he composed himself and made his hand in a Dua gesture and recited the Fatiha.

Running his hands on his face, he stood there for a while. No matter how many years will pass, he will always feel the absence of his brother. Nothing and no one could ever replace that or fill that position.

"I'll avenge your murder, Bhai. Your murderer won't walk so freely soon. He'll rot and pay for his crimes."

Again he recited Surah e Yaseen on his grave and finally left the graveyard. Sitting in his car, he checked the time, finding it close to six thirty. He turned the steering wheel and with one last glance at the graveyard, he headed off.

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