|24|: Stranger/اجنبی

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"I've waited a long time for you, gorgeous."

His breath reeked of alcohol. His eyes had that demonic roar. They were hazy with all the negative emotions. Lust, dominance and cruelty. His hands were calloused. Rough like thorns. His voice was same. If anything that doesn't change was his malicious voice which she despises with all her heart, mind, body and soul. His hands ran down the curves of her neck eliciting a repulsive groan from her. She tired to move back. Pushing herself more into the dirty wall. She would do anything to escape this monster. Who has yet again captured her.

"Don't be like this. You know how much I hate it when you don't abide by my rules."

Anger wafted past her nerves as she heard him. Fury coated her eyes and she seethed.

"You can die and go to hell for all I care."

A stinging sensation was felt by her as her head whipped to the side. That didn't do anything to calm her anger down. If anything, it fueled it.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me you shameless woman."

A laugh escaped her lips as she saw him calling her a shameless woman.

"You think he will save you. What if tell you he's dead."

The ground shook from her feet as she heard his loud laughter. She shook her head not believing a word coming out of his foul mouth.

"Oh darling, I'm so happy to announce the death of your husband. You're mine now, gorgeous. All mine."

A scream rippled from her throat loud enough to shook the branches of trees. Echoing in the deserted warehouse. Reminding her of what she has lost.

Her everything.

Safa jerked in her sleep before her eyes finally opened. In a state of panic, she reached for the jug of water only for it to smash against the floor. The shatter of the glass resonated in the room for a while before it stopped. The sound audible was of her heavy breathing.

This wasn't a memory. It has never happened. All the nightmares that she uses to have are memories she is trying to conceal, but this has never happened. She doesn't remember any of it. Sweat trickled down her forehead all the way into her chest which was heaving due to how heavily she was breathing. Sooner she felt tears leaking out of her eyes and she lost it.

Putting her head down on her knees, she let out a sob. It was mumbled, but that's all she could do. To awake everyone in the house is not her intention. So she just sat there crying in her own embrace. Basking in the darkness of her past and bleeding heart. She lost track of time of how long she sat still just crying until she heard her phone ringing. Grasping it with shaking hands, her turmoil was immediately put to rest as she looked at the caller id.


Keeping the phone to her ear, she coughed before speaking

"Hello." She cringed at how bad her voice sounded. No wonder he'll detect something's wrong.

"Hey I hope I didn't disturb you."

Hearing his voice brought peace to her mind and she relaxed by supporting her back on the head rest.

"You didn't." She muttered. No matter how hard she was trying, her voice gave away her despair, but she was a pro at playing it cool.

"Have you landed safely?" She asked before he could say anything. She wants the topic to be changed.

"Yeah about ten minutes ago. The flight was delayed an hour or so. I just wanted you to know that I'm safely in Islamabad."

One word took her breathing from normal to ragged as her nightmare flashes before her eyes. Tears leaked again, but she gulped her fears. Putting on a brave facade, she continued conversing

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