CHAP-22 The Divine Gift~

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Apsara turned the page of her book.
Ashwathama was sitting next to her in the bed, going through the pages of the policies. Being an emperor is definitely not easy.
Ashwathama got bored from all the signing of papers and stuff.
He then looked at his sick beautiful spouse. She was all concentrated on the book.
"Appu, keep that book aside and rest, you are sick, don't tire your brain."
He leaned his hand and took the book away from her hands.
"That's not just any book, this book contains all knowledge of old Lanka."
She said fixing the blanket.
"Why are you reading about Lanka?"
He took another sheet of papers.
"Yesterday, about my nightmare.
I don't think it was a nightmare, it was more of a vision."
She said resting her weight in the bed.
"What vision?"

"It was like I was in hell, everyone was dead, Vasuda, maya, Jia, Yohan. Everything seemed lost and then I heard Govind speaking to me.
He said I have to find someone, and some kind of land.
And he talked about some kind of sword called the Sword of Lanka."
Ashwathama stopped writing when he heard the ancient sword.
"Sword of lanka, like the sword that Mahadev gifted ravan?"
Ashwathama asked.
"You know about that sword?"
Apsara looked at him.
"Mahadev gifted a divine sword to Ravan, Ravan kept the sword safe in some temple inside the Golden Lanka.
That sword is called the Sword of Lanka."
Ashwathama explained, Apsara now was confused, what she heard in the dream was true.
There is a sword of Lanka.
"Tell me more!"

"The legend says, only when the sword meets the hands of a true bone of Dharma, the sword will start being active to its full potential."
Ashwathama gave more to the brain of Apsara.
"Who is the true bone of Dharma?"
Apsara raised her eyebrows.
"Probably means the Avatar of Vishnu, only bhagwan vishnu can restore Dharma, so the true bone must definitely mean an avatar of Vishnu."
He explained while signing the papers.
"Avatar of Vishnu?, like Govind?"
"Yeah, I heard people say he is the present Avatar, but is it really true?"
He asked.
"Yes it is true, he is the eighth one, after him is Buddha and then, at the end Kalki."
She fiddled her fingers, as she sighed.
"Hmm, if it really was any vision, I think you should look for the Sword of Lanka."
He got off the bed and walked towards one of their cupboards.
He opened a drawer and took the bottle of medicine which was given by the vaidya.
He went towards her.
"Here, it's time for your medicine."
He feeded her a sip of the herbal liquid which works like charm.
Apsara was feeling almost all better within just two days of rest.
"Arya, if I get all well tomorrow, can we go for a visit to Dwaraka?"
Apsara asked her husband.
Ashwathama hesitated to say yes, since he is not that much of a friend of the Dwarkadhish.
"You can go, I won't come."
Ashwathama's mood changed.
"Why not?"
Apsara whined.
"Cause-, listen I won't go and chill at my enemy's place."
Ashwathama laid beside her.
"Enemy?, when did he become your enemy?"

"Any enemy of Duryodhan is my enemy as well."
Apsara was disappointed at him, she knows all the things that happened in that time cannot be changed and should not be changed, but she really wants to make Ashwathama walk through the right road.
"Govind is not an enemy, he is the Narayan, and Narayan will never do injustice to anyone."
Apsara hugged her husband and tried to explain to him reality.
"No, you don't know, whatever he did to my friend is injustice."
Ashwathama exclaimed.
"What he did?, let me guess, foil Gandhar Raj's Plans on killing the pandavas?"
Ashwthama was disconcerted by Apsara, he gawked at her.
"How did you know?"
Ashwathamma was dumbfounded, Apsara chuckled.
"You, my dear husband, will understand after a long while of Yuga."
He was bewildered again, Apsara just put a grimace on her face and closed her eyes.
"I am going to Dwaraka tomorrow, end of discussion."
She put an end to the small quarrel and minded her own business.

To be continued

sorry for the late update, hope you like the new chapter.

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