CHAP-32 New Recruits

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"Oh my dear god, tell me I am having a nightmare?"

Apsara couldn't believe her eyes, like Jiayi said, 'Is he for real'.

How the hell is he here? He must have left five days ago.

"Nope you are perfectly seeing your Husband at the shores of Lanka to see you, how romantic."

Vasuda mocked Apsara.

"Shut the fuck up, Vasuda."

Vibishan, Krishna and Subhadra reached to them as well, astonished seeing the sight of Ashwathama and his things at Lanka.

"You did not have to swear."

Vasuda shrugged off the effect of the harsh word like nothing happened.

"My dear, She has been swearing since the morning."

Anusuiya who reached there with Jia said, standing against Apsara. Apsara just death glared at her, scaring her a bit."

"Wow Appu, your husband is here to just see you, how romantic."

Krishna told her, kind of repeating the words Vasuda said before.

"That's exactly what I said!"

Vasuda complained.

Apsara sighed and ran towards the gigantic sail Ship. She looked up the arranged stairs made out of wood. Ashwathama started to climb down faster to reach his beloved wife.

"My Queen-"

"Why the hell are you here?"

Ashwathama was disappointed about the fact that he couldn't finish his words. Apsara was sickened about the fact that Ashwathama is right near her again, it was a relief for days without him, and now he ruined her peace.

"Chill darling, I am here as your personal bodyguard."

Apsara was now getting really annoyed and her temper is back.

"You five thousand year old hag! You are so annoying, you know that?"

Apsara lost her calm, first the never ending babbling of Anusuiya and now the annoying presence of the seventh Immortal.

"Nice to see you again, Panchal Rani Apsara." Karn Said, placing his feet on the sandy floor.

"Angaraj Karn? What are you doing here?"

Apsara's hope for a peaceful day was being diminished by second by second.

"I thought about bringing a friend."

Ashwathama answered his wife's question. Apsara started to death glare at him.

"You are not allowed to speak for an entire day, that is tomorrow."

Apsara stomped her feet on the sandy ground and grumpily walked in struggle because of the heavy sand.

"Your wife has got the temper, dude, but have to be honest she is hot when she gets angry."

Karna put his arm on Ashwathama's shoulder, leaning on him.

Hearing Karna's words Ashwathama shaked off Karna's hand, and looked at him in a deadly aura.

"I did not like the way you said that, but I can't argue that she is hot but she is mine. Understood?"

Asbwathama warned him.

"Woah man, chill. I don't want her, why do I need a half jar of honey, when I can have a full."

Karna said, walking forward towards the Kaliyugis and the royals of Dwaraka and Lanka.

Ashwathama too followed him, but wondered what Karna had meant.

Vibhishan arranged a huge lunch for everyone, since there are new recruits. Apsara is staring at Ashwathama as if he was her prey. Ashwathama was a bit scared. Meanwhile, Anusuiya was enjoying the most delightful meal she had ever had in her entire life. Karna was just staring at Jiayi, admiring her beauty. She is even more beautiful than the demon Princess. Her sharp jaw, her amazing body shape, her fair skin and mostly her height. She is quite tall, the Kaliyugis are comparatively shorter than the Dwaparyugis. But Jiayi is very tall, much taller than Apsara and Maya. She and Subhadra would have the same height. Maybe one eighty five centimeters.

"How are the people of Hastinapur doing? After they successfully insulted us. "

Vasuda looked at Karna, waiting for an answer.

"You might have heard the news about what happened at Varanavrat."

Karna mentioned the topic that is still unknown to the people who were in the Sea for the past Six days.

"No, we didn't."

Apsara got alarmed, when she heard the name of the place. 'Varanavrat'.

The Pandavas and Mother were purposely burned in the Palace made in wax at Varanavrat. But the Pandavas are the disciples of Dronacharya, a fire tragedy won't Kill them or their mother.

"You didn't?, oh of course, You left before it happened. The Pandava Princes and Mother Kunti were murdered by some traitors, in a palace made out of wax and hay. There is no news of them being alive or spotted anywhere, so I guess the Queen mother and Sons have left this world."
Jiayi looked at Karna knowing that he exactly knows who schemed this plan against the Pandavas. Gandhar Raj Shakuni.

Karna was in grief that Kunti had died, because he had huge respect for the Queen mother, he doesn't know why, he always felt he was looking at his mother, when he looked at her. Unknowingly she is his mother, his true mother.

"That is sad to hear."

Vasuda just acted as if he doesn't know they are completely fine living in the woods, hiding from the outside world. Away from the unwanted troubles. In exile.

Of course the Pandavas are really something, they are not only strong. The eldest of them, Yudhishtira and the third Pandava Arjun are masterminds. Very clever both of them, but Arjun can't match the talent in politics with Yudhishtira ever.

"So, should we tell them about the sword?"

Yohan came to the point.

"What sword?"

Karna was confused.

"Anga Raj and Panchal Raj, will you both promise to us that you will both not reveal a word about this mission to the outside world. "
Vasuda Stared at them, without blinking.

"Yes I promise in the name of my Beloved wife, Apsara."

Ashwathama said, looking at Apsara, trying to please her.

"Don't you dare promise on my name, the Gods will punish me instead of you, for your rubbish acts."

Apsara mocked Ahwathama's secret keeping skills, as she took on a bite of Lamb meat.

Ashwathama stared at her as if she was a Cannibal, and ate a piece of carrot from his plate.

"How sad? Eating only vegetables, perks of being Bhramin."

Apsara is Dravida, in her culture, it is permissible to eat any type of meat other than pork and human meat of course. Eating Human meat is a thing of Rakshasas, but we can't blame them completely. Human meat is denoted as the tastiest meat, probably because we bathe everyday.

"Okay, getting to the point. We are on a journey to find one of the most precious treasures of the world. The Sword of Raavan or The Sword of Mahadev, known by many names. But the most common one, The Sword Of Lanka.

To be continued

Dawn Of Blood & The Seven Immortals |Mahabharat fiction|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ