Chapter 5--> Butte Montana?

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Paige's POV
I finally had to stop and get gas for my poor truck. I probably traveled over 500 miles, which took about 8 hours.

I got my gas and started looking around this cute little town I found. I think it was called Butte, Montana? I don't know, but at least it was far away from... Him. I pulled up to a cheap motel and got my room all situated. The man at the counter was a total pervert, but like I have said before, beggars can't be choosers.

The elevators were broken so I dragged my bags to the stairs... And of course my room had to be on the 4th floor. I was just about to climb the long steps to my room, when someone grabbed one of my bags.

"Hey!" I said turning around to see a girl, probably my age, standing there, holding my bag.

"Sorry for the surprise, it just looked like you needed a little help, the names Jenna Evaline." She said as she smiled at me. She was really pretty... She had emerald green eyes and long blonde hair. I finally smiled back.

"Thank you." I said as we both started to climb the stairs. I looked down and saw that she had a name tag on and probably worked here. She must've saw me looking and at it.

"Oh, ya I work here. I am the assistant manager. I hate this job though. Once I pay my months rent for my apartment, I am quitting this job and going to work at a local bar that my uncle owns. So what you doing here in Butte." She said happily as we finally reached my floor.

"Just visiting some relatives." I lied as we walked towards my room.

"Well, you might wanna clear that with my da- I mean alpha." She said slurring her words together. We reached my door and I got the card key out. I just then smelled her werewolf scent. Hmm... I wondered why I didn't notice that before.

"Ok, do you have a pack house or something I can meet him at?" I said trying to open the door, but with no success. She nodded while she grabbed my key and unlocked the door in one try.

"The address is 1225 Maple Ave. near the mountain side... Your phone gps should get you there easily." She said still holding her perfect smile. I liked this girl.

"Thanks, and what's your number? I might be staying awhile and we could probably get coffee some time?" I asked smiling back.

"Sure. Here, let me see your phone." I gave her my phone as she typed in her number and waved goodbye. I waved back and got into my room. I went to the bathroom and showered, putting on my comfy pj, which were long soft black sweats and a loose white tank top.

I laid down in my bed and plugged my phone in, checking it. I had 42 missed calls. Almost all of them were from Dustin, some from Ethan, maybe 2 or more from Jace, and 1 from Kate. I kinda felt bad, but I just couldn't call them. I deleted all my messages and set my phone down.

'You know he will find us.' Des muttered. I jumped a little as she suddenly talked. I knew who she was talking about to.

'I just can't be near him... He rejected us and I can't bare the pain to see anyone. I am a complete wreck.' I said sadly.

'But he loves us! Didn't you see him be all possessive when he saw Jace hug you?! You are being stupid! When he finds us he will never let us go!' She yelled at me. I kinda winced because I knew she was right. I was just being stupid, but how could I forgive him for doing that to Jace? He had no limits and I don't know if I can handle that.

'Whatever... But I think together, we can forgive him and try to love him.' My wolf said as she left me alone in the dark hotel room. I finally closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Dustin's POV
I kept driving following the scent that I found earlier that day. I don't know how I could smell her and find where she was headed. That's not normal... Hmm, maybe she isn't normal.

'Don't talk about our mate that way!' Russ warned.

'I know, it's just, I've never seen her shift, yet she has her werewolf scent, she stays quiet and out of the way, like she is hiding something.' I explained back. I finally spaced out while driving the highway as it grew darker and darker.

Paige's POV
I walked around the forest as the trees rustled softly and a nearby stream made a small swishing noise. I was in my wonderland again. Although, this time, something was different... I could sense another's presence.

"Hello my dear." An angelic voice said behind me. I turned around to see a very beautiful woman in a short flowered dress. I looked down her features and noticed something. It was like looking into an older version of me in the mirror. I gasped and stepped back as she moved forward.

"Please, don't be afraid. I am here to give you special and important information." She said as I stopped and we came within 5 feet of each other. I still stayed silent as I waited for her to speak.

"This may come off strange but... I am your mother, Paige. I know you probably have a lot of questions, but I cannot stay long. Everything I am about to tell you is true. You are the last White Wolf in all of the werewolves across the globe. That birthmark on your left shoulder symbolizes it. When I had you, I knew the hunters would come after us, so I brought you to your previous pack and those parents took you in. Later on I was killed in a battle with the hunters. They do not know for sure if you exist, but they will come soon. You must be prepared for a war, my dear, and you must be at your strongest. Accept your mate, for if you don't, I fear that the hunters will succeed in killing you. I am sorry love, but I must go. Goodbye my sweet daughter." She said as she faded. As if I couldn't speak, I reached out for her only to be awakened by the beeping of an alarm clock.


"What the..." I said rubbing my eyes open. I looked at the clock as is read 8:30, and I rolled out of bed to the shower.

Doing my daily routine, I couldn't take my mind of the women, my mom. I had to believe her because of how much we looked alike, but then reality hits me. Hunters... War... Accepting my mate?! What the hell?! That dream was probably just my depression talking.

I walked out of my room wearing some short denim shorts and a pink and blue tank top, yes I love tank tops... I decided to go to the mall and get some food.

I used my gps to get there and found my way to a Cinnabon, oh yes! I ordered like 3 huge vin imam roles and chomped down every last bite. I heard someone chuckle and smelled a familiar scent. It was Jenna!

I turned around and looked at her pretty figure walk towards me smiling that nice smile.

"Hey, glad to see you here. I was just shopping a little and saw you scarfing on Cinnabon so I decided to ask if you would join me?" She said as I stood up.

"Sure, why not. I need some new bras and undies anyway." She laughed and so did I as we walked through the mall buying clothes that I needed. I had a few extra cash to spare so I was happy I had a new friend to do this sort of stuff with.

--3 Stores Later--

We finally say down on a bench as we heaved our bags of clothes on the ground in front of us. I sighed as Jenna laughed.

"Hey, I need to go to the restroom. Stay here and watch my bags?" She asked. I nodded and got comfy as I watched her walk away. I leaned back and saw a someone staring at me in the distance, and I gulped as I recognized him... It was Leo. I was just about to get up and run when Jenna came back.

"Hey, Paige are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost or something?" She asked. Suddenly Leo was right next to her.

"Mate." He mumbled grabbing Jenna and craning his neck down to hers. I could see she tried to suppress a moan as she it her lip. I was still in shock as another scent hit my nose... And it was right behind me.

"I found you, my little mate." He said seductively.

And shit just hit the fan.

-Hello everybody! How are y'all doing this fine evening. Hope you liked the chapter and keep commenting. It motivates me more to write the next chapter quicker. Ok so new character added into the character list so go check her out. The name is Jenna Evaline. So I haven't decided on a nickname for you all, but please keep sharing your ideas. Well, that's all folks, MysticHearts out!-

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