Chapter 23--> Taking Down the Bitch and Meeting the Moon Goddess

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Paige's POV
I swerve to the left as Jessica's wolf jumps at me. I growled in my wolf form as the other 3 dudes shifted. I clenched my jaw as I realized how big these dudes were.

'We can't take on this many of them.' Des growled as I agreed.

The dirty blonde wolf jumped as my first as I jumped on his back. I bit into the scruff of his neck as he tried bucking me off.

'Yeehaw!' I cheered as Des laughed.

Suddenly I was tackled by a brown wolf and thrown into a tree. My back aches in large amounts of pain as I cringed and got up. He's so gonna pay for that! He gave me a wolffish grin as the others stalked towards me as well.

'Damn! We're cornered!' Des said as got ready to run. Jessica was back in the group as she went towards me first. I could see pure hate in her eyes as she came to about 5 feet in front of me.

She hunched back and pounced as the rouges barked at her, probably to stop, as I tensed and got ready. Right in mid-air, she was tackled by a black/brown/white wolf.


He knocked Jessica out cold and stood protectively in front of me until I was able to stand without the pain in my back.

'You okay Paige?' Jace questioned as I smiled.

'Ya, I'm good. Know lets kick some rouge ass!' I yelled through our link. The three dudes growled as we returned it. The brown one jumped at me again, but was met by my claws to his eyes. He howled in pain as I jumped on him, gabbing a hold of his neck in my jaw. A sickening crunch rang though the air as the body went limp. The other two rouges were attacking Jace as I was about to run over and help, until my body was tackled once again. I looked up to see Jessica back on her feet, snapping her jaws near my neck. I used my front paws as a barrier to stop her and used my strength to push against her weight.

Suddenly, her weight was gone as I opened my eyes to see nothing on top of me. I rolled on my stomach and looked over to see Jessica dead on the ground. My eyes were met by pure black ones as a black wolf stood in front of me. More wolves followed into the clearing as I recognized them from each pack.

Dustin shifted back to human form and put on some shorts. He ran over to me, handing me a huge shirt that would cover my top and bottom. I gladly shifted back and quickly put on the clothes without getting up. It was natural for people to see others naked in the werewolf society just cause it happens so much, but I've never been the one that has anything to really show.

I tried standing until pain shot through my ribs, back and thigh. It was unbearable as I cried out. Dustin ran to my side and picked me up bridal style. It was only then that I could see a huge gash on my thigh and waist. That birch must've grown out her claws and got me.

My vision grew blurry as a figure walked towards us. My eyes closed a few times a urgent voices sounded distant. I finally recognized the figure as my eyes closed and wouldn't reopen.


"Mom?" I called out as I stood in nothing but darkness. Suddenly a white light flashed and I gasped at the intensity. I shut my eyes until slowly reopening them to see a beautiful woman with white hair that went down to her waist, silver eyes, a short white dress on with a long back, and pale skin that matched it all. She looked like she was in her late thirties as she smiled softly at me.

"Hello my dear." She said as if her voice lined with chiming bells. I was taken aback by her, but regained composure as I slowly realized who she was.

"Y-Your the Moon Goddess?" I questioned as I still stood in shock. She smiled even softer, if possible, at me as my body relaxed.

"Yes, Paige, I am the Moon Goddess. But please, call me Elizabeth." She chimed as I returned a smile. She as beyond gorgeous as her hair flowed lightly, even though there was no wind. Her face hardened only a little as she grew deep in thought.

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