Chapter 17--> The Little Rouge

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Paige's POV
I wiggled my eyebrows playfully at Jenna as we walked through the mall, holding delicious smoothies in our hands. She rolled her eyes at me, knowing exactly what I meant. She kept quiet as I looked at her disapprovingly.

"Oh c'mon! You have to tell me how the date went! I was the one that put it all together for you!" I said as she sighed. I smirked in triumph as we sat on a nearby bench, sipping our cold drinks.

"He was so happy when I told him... He even talked to my stomach. I've never been so relieved in my entire life." She said in a dreamy voice as I squealed in happiness.

"Jen! That's fantastic! I am so happy for you two! Now tell me what their names will be!" I rushed out as she gave me the, 'are you serious' look.

"I don't even know the genders yet!" She said as she shrugged her shoulders and looked away.

"Well, your 7 weeks along right now, and you can find out the genders in the 20 week period, so you better hurry up with those names mama Sita." I laughed as she joined in.

We left the mall about an hour later as we both got in my truck. I drove back home as we literally had a concert in my little ford. We sang loud and proud as 'Applause' by Lady GaGa came on.

"I live for the applause, applause, applause." We sang out together as I danced in my seat a little.

Suddenly a wolf ran across the road and I swerved, barely missing it's body. My truck rammed into the ditch as the wolf collapsed right outside of us.

What the hell?!

"You ok Jen?" I questioned quickly as I looked worriedly at her. She nodded back as I heaved a sigh of relief and glanced back at the damn thing that almost got us and it killed.

I saw its muddy brown body as blood coated is fur in thick splotches. I got out of my truck quickly as I immediately smelled it's rouge scent. I walked carefully towards it as I noticed how small it was. He or she must be young.

I watched as the body slowly transformed back into a girl as I gasped. She looks like she is only 10! Werewolves don't shift till they are 16 years of age and even then, their are some late bloomers! It's unheard of to have a person younger than 16, shift to their wolf.

The small girl coughed and spit out blood as she looked up as me. She went wide eyed and gasped for air as she tried to crawl away.

"Please! Please don't hurt me!" She cried as her voice came out hoarse. I cringed at the bruises and cuts that spread across her skin as if it were artwork.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. What's your name?" I asked as I kneeled and put my hands up, trying to reassure her safety. She was lost in thought until she finally replied.

"I don't wanna tell you that." She said as I looked into her red puffy eyes. Just then I noticed that she didn't have clothes on as I quickly turned and ran to my truck, grabbing my coat. Jenna just sat there wide eyed as if this wasn't even real.

"Here, put this on so you don't catch a cold." I said shortly as I handed her the coat, which she slipped on almost immediately.

"Can you at least tell me your age?" I asked in a sincere and kind voice, trying my best to let her know that I wouldn't harm her. She seemed a little convinced as she nodded her head slowly.

"I am 11 years old." She muttered as she hugged her knees. I looked down to her legs as they almost made me cry. She was so badly beaten, even werewolf healing can't heal those fast enough, especially since she is so young.

"My name is Paige and my friend over there is Jenna. What are you doing on my land sweetie?" I asked kindly as she looked down and started to cry. I quickly pulled her into a hug and let her cry on my shoulder.

"T-The rouges that kidnapped me... T-They beat m-me and p-put me in a-a cage. I-I escaped t-them." She sobbed as my heart shattered. I lifted her up and brought her back to my truck, which Jenna had kindly drove out of the ditch.

"Sweetie, would you like to come to my pack house? I can give you food and water and have the pack doctor look at those nasty cuts okay?" I said carefully as she nodded quickly and hugged me tight. I smiled and buckled her in the back seat. Jenna kept glancing back at her and then to me as I gave her the, 'I will tell you later' look.

We arrived at the pack house as my phone buzzed once.

Hey Paige, I am going to take a trip so I will be gone the next week. Cya when I get back.

Why so sudden? What's up dude?

I am getting restless without my mate. I have nothing else and I need to look farther for her.

Okay okay. I understand. Text me when you get to wherever you are going. I want to make sure your ok.

Okay MOM! Luv ya!

Luv ya too! Don't do anything stupid!

I rolled my eyes and entered the house as I was crashed into a hard chest and Leo did the same to Jenna.

"Where the hell have you been?! You said you'd be home 45 min ago!" Dustin yelled angrily as I rolled my eyes. A small whimper sounded as I looked over at the little girl. Dustin did the same as his expression immediately softened. I gave him one last hug before motioning the girl over.

She slowly walked over and grabbed onto my side like a lost puppy. She hid behind me as Dustin kneeled down and have her a sad smile. She looked at him and gave him one back as he stood to face me.

"I almost hit her with my truck... She's already shifted into her wolf and she's only 11... I need the pack doctor to look at her now." I said as he glanced at her cuts and bruises. He cringed the same as I did as he quickly gave me a short nod. I smiled, silently thanking him.

"Yo! Wassup everybody!" Thomas said as he burst into the room and scared the crap out of the little girl. I heard bones crack as she immediately shifted into her brown wolf as everyone stared at her, shocked.

"Holy shit! That little girl just shifted!" Thomas yelled as the girl growled, trying to show dominance. I suddenly understood the situation we were in.

Since she is so young, her wolf is out of control. There is no telling when or where she will shift or how she will act.

This is not gonna end well...

-Yello all ma fans? Ok, so I am too excited! I got on the volleyball team, on the sophs team(which I am a sophomore by the way) and tonight we had our first scrimmage. Well guess what?! I got to play sophomores and JV! It was epic and I stuffed the ball down this Varsity girl's throat with my awesome block! I am just too cool am I right! Jk.

Anywaz, hope your days are as good as mine and if not... Just know... Someone... Somewhere... Is pushing a door that says pull.


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