When the world shut down

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A/N just a heads up the next couple of chapters will be set in the height of the pandemic. Please feel free to skip them if you don't feel comfortable reading them. As always since this is an Author's note I am going to remind you to vote and/or comment if you are enjoying this story.

It has been another month since then and the world as we know it has fallen apart. The world was introduced to nature's latest combatant against the human race. COVID-19 has caused the world to shut down. Of course that has made everyone's lives harder however every single first responder has it the hardest. Everyone is on alert as we have protocols in place that aren't the greatest for our mental health. Right now I am barely getting through a shift. Something tells me that it is only going to get worse. As if on cue the signal bell rings for another EMS call. I find myself rolling my eyes as I join Hen in the ambulance.

"I hope it's not another COVID call. We've had enough to last us for an eternity," Hen half-jokes.

"Well, I'm going to find out. Aid car 118 to dispatch is this another COVID call?" I ask. I turn to Hen as I await the response.

"I'm sorry but it is," The dispatcher confirms. I flash Hen an exasperated look. Just so long as this case recovers well I'll make it.

"At least I can put the PPE on via muscle memory," I joke to ease the tension. After a long five minutes, we made it to a nice-looking house. After getting the PPE on I knock on the door to announce my presence. A man is quick to open the door.

"Follow me," He remarks. After a few seconds, we made it to a makeshift bedroom. Hen and I get to work on making sure that the woman sitting on the bed has enough oxygen. While Hen is doing that I put a blood saturation monitor on her finger. As soon as the reading flashes up I reach my conclusion.

"Sir, we need to get her to the hospital as soon as we can. Her oxygen levels are too low for us to do anything," I turn to the man. He is not happy.

"She can't go. She's on Chemo. Her immune system is non-existent," The man remarks.

"I understand but she needs a ventilator. Unfortunately, the best we can do is intubate and bag which won't last long," I explain. That is the annoying thing about being in an ambulance. There is no room for a ventilator. Before the man has a chance to argue the sound that no one wants to hear.

"She's flatlining. I'm starting compressions," I call out as I commence the chest compressions.

"Wait. She's got a DNR bracelet," Hen responds. That means we can't do anything even if we wanted to. Hen glances at me as I check my watch. I am quick to call it. That makes it the fourth time someone has died during this shift. In all fairness, I probably could have saved her if it weren't for the DNR.

"I'm sorry," the man speaks up.

"I should have called sooner," the man is clearly bothered by the circumstances.

"Look, there was nothing that any of us could have done. At least she had someone by her side," I try to reassure the man. It seems that my words have worked. It's just a pity that I can't give him a hug. After calling it in as a death we say our goodbyes and leave. After a five-minute drive, we made it back to the firehouse. As soon as our boots hit the ground Hen and I shed our PPE. A sigh falls from my mouth as I toss the bundle in the infectious waste bin.

"What's wrong Ella?" Hen checks on me.

"Honestly if the pandemic continues like this I am going to quit. I am struggling with my mental health. It has only been a month and I am already struggling," I explain. Don't get me wrong Buck has been a massive help but he can only do so much. This pandemic is pushing us all to our limits. Hen gives me a sympathetic nod. To make matters worse Bobby has banned all forms of physical contact at the firehouse which means Buck is unable to give me a hug while we are on duty. Oh well, I'm just going to have to push forward. As soon as Hen turns to go to the rec area I head to the locker room. I exchanged my uniform for my LAFD-issued t-shirt and some exercise gear. Ever since the restrictions came into play I've taken to venting my frustrations out on the punching bag. It is impressive that it is still in one piece. I am not the only one who is using it. I head to the gym area to find Eddie pounding at the punching bag.

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