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A/N I want to apologise in advance about the fact that it is hard to convert a montage into words. However, I tried my best which is hopefully good enough. Also, this was a fun chapter to write despite the issues. Anyway with that out of the way I want to remind you for what feels like the millionth time to vote and/or comment if you enjoy this story.

I am currently supervising Buck. Why? Someone was stupid enough to give him a clipboard. Seasoned veterans of the 118 would know that it is a bad idea to give Buck a clipboard. Right now he is double-checking the inventory with Eddie who is regretting the decision to help. At least it is providing some good entertainment. Before I can do anything Hen joins me.

"What's going on?" Hen asks as her attention is drawn to the scene unfolding in front of us.

"Some idiot from the B squad gave Buck a clipboard," I respond as Buck tells Eddie off again. A giggle falls from my mouth. I'm sure it is torture for Eddie but it is funny to us. Luckily for me, the inventory is the first thing that Hen and I do when we arrive.

"I'm going to put a stop to it," Hen says as she joins the pair. I go with it since Hen is going to need some backup.

"Oh no. Who gave that guy a clipboard?" Hen breaks Buck out of the power trance that is his clipboard.

"Don't worry. It's a kinder, more gentle clipboard. As is the person using it," Buck remarks, getting an eye roll from Eddie. I'm with Eddie. His parents coming over must have changed him.

"Meet Buck three point o. I'm trying something new. Since Ella and I are getting married I wanted to try something different," Buck explains. Well, he definitely checks those boxes. To be honest I think there is something more to the story. After a quick conversation about how and what led Buck to the personality change, we are joined by the new guy. Having noticed Buck turns his attention to him.

"Hey Probie!" Buck obviously catches him by surprise as he drops all of the various textbooks that he is carrying. Buck and I soon moved to help him.

"Oh. Uh...No. No. No. Don't worry, I've got it," The Probie quickly denies our offer for help. He is clearly flustered. With that Buck and I back off.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You're the B shift Probie right?" Buck gets to work on finding out who the fresh meat is.

"Yeah. I mean yes sir. I just finished my first shift," he replies. At least he is excited in an awkward kind of way.

"Uh. So how was it?" I ask. Something tells me that I am going to regret asking.

"Oh, it was pretty quiet," The Probie responds. Buck and Hen recoil in horror while I give the Probie a death glare. He just said the Q word. He is lucky that he is going home. We have to deal with the consequences.

"Did he just say," Hen cuts herself off before she can make things worse.

"I just said it was-,"

"Don't say it again," I cut him off. There is no way that we are going to get out of this situation alive.

"No. Maybe if he says it again it will undo the curse," Hen remarks.

"Well if he says it a third time the Candyman will show up and kill us. I'm not taking my chances," I remark. Even though it is silly there is a reason why I call it the Q word. Even though it is just a coincidence the Q curse has happened a few too many times to ignore.

"Look that word is forbidden in this firehouse or any firehouse for that matter. We just don't use the Q word," Buck explains. Luckily for us, he has learnt his lesson. It just means that we have to suffer.

"Who used the Q word?" Bobby calls out from the balcony. He seems just as annoyed as I am. I put it down to the fact that he will have a lot of reports to file once this shift is done.

The Nature of the Emergency (Evan 'Buck' Buckley X OC)Where stories live. Discover now