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chapter one

SELENE GROANED AS A POUNDING HEADACHE awoke her from what she thought was her own personal hell.

The last thing she remembered was the sharp pain that the bullet gave her as it embedded itself into her heart, giving her a quick and swift death.

Ugh, if only I could go back to stake my revenge against the fuckers.

But what's done is done, there's no need to cry over spilled milk.

She expected to not wake up again, and join the stars as it is what she wished for when death would finally open its doors for her.

But as she squinted her eyes open, she realized that her wish was far from being granted. She slowly sat up from what seemed to be a queen size bed and looked around the aesthetically pleasing room.

Beautiful windows were perched along one side of the wall, and opposite of the windows, a door was semi open which lead to the closet of this room.

In front of the bed, a beautiful desk sat against the wall, at the corner of the room.

Overall, whoever lived here had a similar taste in decorations as she did, because she loved the room which consisted of light brown and beige colors, giving the room a sense of comfortability.

After scanning her surroundings, she touched near her heart, afraid that pain would follow the light touches, but to no avail. There was no hole, as if the injury never happened.

The only pain she could register was coming from the massive headache that unfortunately let her know that she was still alive.

With light movements, she got up from the bed and headed towards the exit of the room, wanting to see where she was exactly, and wanting to know the reason why as well.

As Selene opened the door, she noticed stairs which led her to a cute living room where a blond-haired girl sat worriedly.

Her head was tilted down, so the brunette couldn't see who she was, but when Selene cleared her throat and the said girl looked up, shock froze her in place.

Candice King?!

"Oh my gosh, Selene! I'm so glad you're okay! How are you feeling? You hit your head pretty hard!" The bundle of sunshine rushed towards Selene's frozen body and hugged her immediately.

The brunette still couldn't form any words. Candice King was embracing her... from her favorite show The Vampire Diaries...

What the actual fuck?!

"...lene! Selene! S! Are you okay?!" Candice shook the shocked woman, her eyebrows furrowing in worry when she didn't hear her respond.

"C-Candice?," The rasp of Selene's voice slightly irritated her own throat. Fuck, I needed water.

"I'm not Candice. I'm Caroline," Candice's confusion was prominent, "You really hit your head hard, didn't you?"

"C-Caroline? As in Caroline Forbes?!" Selene's voice wouldn't stop trembling. In all honesty, her body shook at the probability of being in another universe.

This has to be a joke! It has to be!

"Yes, S! I'm Caroline Forbes, and you're my adopted sister, Selene Forbes! Maybe we should take you to the hospital, you don't seem okay," Caroline fretted over the still woman, in obvious worry, "Maybe we shouldn't have gone to the Falls after all..."

Selene tuned out the rest of her rambling, internally panicking at the probability of this being her new reality.

If this was her new reality, how was she supposed to protect herself and what looks to be like her baby sister from the dangers of Mystic Falls.

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