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chapter six

LAST NIGHT WAS SURE TO BE WRITTEN IN HISTORY BOOKS, if Selene had a choice in that matter. After calming Damon down from wanting to hunt down the facility where Enzo was currently contained, she reassured him that Enzo would be out as soon as possible. Now that she was here, she had to make sure that all the people she planned to save were freed and happy. It was one of her missions to see them with smiles on their faces instead of the pinch in their expressions because of their despair.

She was mother nature after all, so she had to make sure that everyone met their designated fate.

Selene promised the raven-haired vampire that Enzo would be freed as soon as she takes care of her mother's issues. She was her mother after all, even though she didn't know her for long. And for Selene, family always came first.

Damon understood where she came from, although he was confused on what she could be talking about. So after a little more persuasion, he let her leave the house with the promise to talk more about it the next day.

And it seemed that she had arrived home on time, because as she entered her sweet abode, Caroline's soft sobs greeted her. She silently made her way towards the mop of blonde curls, and embraced her in a hug. The brunette let her little sister cry on her shoulder, for as long as she needed, and she silently cursed Stefan for being so blinded by the pin straight hair that a certain girl possessed.

"It's alright, wanna talk about it?" The brunette continued to tenderly run her fingers through the tendrils of her sister's hair, unknowingly calming her in the process.

After a few deep breaths, Caroline seemed to finally burst out her insecurities in a broken whisper, "Nobody wants me."

Selene leaned back and made her sister look at her in the eyes, "What makes you say that Care-bear?"

The blonde continued to silently cry, "Every single guy that I want doesn't like me back. It's always Elena, and whenever she's around, I seem to be blurred into the background. I don't like it. I want someone who can look at me and appreciate that I'm there with them. I do not want to be taken advantage of, sister."

"Oh, Caroline," the brunette gently brushed the fallen tears away from her sister's cheeks, "You are more than what you can imagine. You're confident, brave, and so damn smart, and I am proud to call you my sister. If any guy fails to see the treasure that stands in front of them, softly smiling, then that's their loss, not yours."

Selene continued to smile as admiration shined in her eyes, "You don't need to compare yourself to somebody else, because in my eyes you're perfect."

Caroline, touched by the words her sister uttered, launched herself into the warmth that Selene provided. She knew that her sister was right, she was her idol after all. The blonde was grateful to have someone like her big sister in her life. She was a breath of fresh air. She was someone who was trustworthy and lots of people have vocalized that she was someone you would want around.

"Thank you for being here for me, sister."

"You have nothing to thank me for. As long as I am alive, you will always have a safe haven with me."

And with that, the both sisters continued to hold each other. One needing her support and the other one providing more than she needed to give.

That's how Liz found her daughters in the early means of the morning. She had barely finished her shift at the station and just dropped by at her home for a brief cup of coffee and a light breakfast before heading back to her job.

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