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chapter five

"HOW DO YOU KNOW OF ME ANYWAY?" Damon questioned curiously as he found it eerie to know that people had knowledge of him.

"Let's just say that it is part of my superpowers," The girl beside him wiggled her eyebrows, much to Damon's amusement.

Both of them were walking through the woods, one trying to cheer the other up. The girl has been trying to make Damon laugh for the last 10 minutes, but the only reaction she got out of him was an amusing exhale through his nose. Now, that for her was insulting, as she found that she was hilarious. Note the sarcasm.

Though, the only reason she was trying to make him laugh was because of what happened a little while ago with the drama of the tomb. She did not want him to suffer knowing very well that Katherine was living her best life trying to make plans to negotiate her freedom from Klaus.

Although, she herself knew that Klaus had other shit to worry about, like his step-father coming after him. She made a mental note to tell him that the idiot with a stick was actually rotting in a crypt, thanks to Abby Bennett.

"If you know so much, then tell me, what do you know?"

Selene giggled, entertained with the thought of what he would do once he found out just how much she knew about him.

"Well I know that you were born in 1839. You have a brother named Stefan Salvatore, who you're on the outs with because he made you into what you are now. I also know about what happened in the 1950's, and in the 1990's, which by the way, was really bad blue eyes," she sent him a disapproving look before she continued, "And I also know that we are currently walking to the Salvatore House just because you want to annoy your brother."

Damon, who was walking a few steps ahead of her, due to the girl's calculative steps throughout the woods, swiftly turned around with wide eyes, and a dropped jaw.

"How the fuck?" He looked at her weirdly as if he was trying to decipher the puzzle in front of him. How did she know about what he was going to do?

Selene laughed and clapped her hands at his shock. This was way better than what she had imagined.

"I did it!" the brunette giggled, "I made Damon Salvatore speechless!"

"How..." Damon couldn't form any words at all. He was truly reeled by how the girl in front of him knew so much. How he wished he could return the favor, as he wanted to know more about the girl that opened his eyes.

"Superpowers, honey."

"You're not going to stop me from messing with him are you?" Damon raised a brow, truly curious as to what her intentions actually were for Stefan.

"Nope," Selene popped the p, exaggerating her answer as she crossed her arms and turned to face a really tall tree.

"You better not be lying little witch," Damon lightly threatened her, although he had no plans to truly hurt her.

Wanting to change the topic, and arrive there just in time to see Stefan in his room, Selene threw her arms up and waited for Damon to get the hint, "I wanna experience the vampire speed, carry me?"

Damon groaned angrily, although internally pleased that she already trusted him to protect her at all costs. He trudged slowly towards her and gently picked her up, surprising Selene. She actually thought that he was going to laugh right at her face and deny her, but she was wrong.

The vampire put her legs around his waist and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck, afraid of falling into the leaf-covered floor. His arms were secured on her waist, and he held her tightly, fearful with that thought of the only person he cared about at the moment possibly getting hurt.

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