Music & Butterflies - Detailed Feedback

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This feedback is for the book Music & Butterflies by AbsMin84. This chapter will be dedicated to the author. Music & Butterflies is a soulmate AU BTS fanfic with an attention to detail and a unique spin on a genre that has become cliché.


Detailed Review

What Worked:

This is very strange praise I am yet to give any author, but I like the title. I know, it's strange to point out in a review that's supposed to focus on the details, but I feel it's important. The title, cover, and description are the three things responsible for getting the reader to click on a story. For that reason, I want to put emphasis on the title being good.

I know I'm biased and all but I'm being serious when I say Jimin's character is probably my favorite. Reading about his backstory in the intro made me audibly say "Oh no." I'll say more on this later, but Jimin has the most intriguing background for me, and I am being unbiased when I say that. The tragedy Jimin endured, and him being the only member going through it, makes him stand out. It gives him an emotional layer that makes the readers understand and relate to him. I always say that readers tend to attach more to relatable characters, not likeable characters, and Jimin is a prime example of that. His tragedy makes him relatable and we want to see him succeed. So great job with Jimin.

This story has amazing aesthetics and layouts. I can tell you put a lot of work into it. The graphics are great. I was surprised to see a floor plan in chapter 9 detailing where all the members stayed. Then there were the headers that named the POV. Then the blog post and the contest entry form. You put lots of effort in to make the story feel real, and I always appreciate a writer who goes the extra mile for their story. 

I want to say that again: I appreciate how much effort you put into the story. Thank you for writing it. It's not every day a writer puts that much dedication into a story let alone a fanfic. It's very refreshing and I'm so glad you were passionate about it. Never lose that passion!

I mentioned in the intro that this story has an attention to detail. That's true, it does. The word choice is vivid and adds nice little details into the story. Even though I am not someone who can picture scenes in my mind, the vivid imagery allowed me to enjoy the story more.

I also said in the intro that you put a unique spin on a genre I find cliché nowadays. So many people do soulmate AUs and I find them boring, but you put a nice spin on it that intrigued me. I enjoyed the concept of soulmate marks turning white when one of the pair die before they meet. That added an emotional weight to the story and I enjoyed it very much.

Speaking of things I enjoyed very much, I liked how you wrote Jin. Jin was a great comic relief with his iconic personality translating onto the page nicely. In my opinion, you captured his personality the best out of all the boys, and normally writers struggle with writing Jin and giving him something to do, but you gave him lots of lines and things to do!

Yoongi was good too. All of the boys were written well but Jin and Jimin in particular were great. Jimin because his character arc was super engaging and Jin because he was translated onto the page well. Yoongi was translated well too. He had his moments where he was very cute and lovable.

The setting was written well. It's rare someone actually gives an accurate depiction of South Korea, but this was pretty well done. It was realistic and the little details were nicely done.


What Didn't Work:

I only have five critiques but they're long, so I apologize for the length. I'm an over-explainer. 90% of this section is about exposition tbvvh 😭 I'm sorry.

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