Akarshika - Detailed Feedback

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Akarshika was written by KanhaiyakiSakhi9112. It won first place in the Fairy Night Awards, best blurb category. It is a fantastical story following the concept of princesses and war. This review will be for the blurb, not the story.


Detailed Feedback:

The most prominent praise I have is how well this blurb fits the atmosphere of the book. As soon as you read the first few words of the blurb, you'll know the genre and tone of the narrative. We get to see exactly who this princess character is and how loved she is by her subjects, and as the blurb continues, we see the descent. It's almost like a fantastical rollercoaster.

While I am not familiar with the culture and source material, that doesn't mean it isn't on display in this blurb, and I understood it despite not being familiar with it. You make it so a general audience can comprehend what you're talking about, so if they want to enjoy your blurb, they still can. You give this start to your story a lot to say without it ever feeling overwhelming, which makes for an entertaining read.

Going into the technical stuff, the blurb has a good length. It's three short paragraphs and a half paragraph, so three and a half overall. It never feels too long or like any sentence is filler/fluff. Along with that, the grammar and spelling is solid, meaning the flow of the blurb is good too.

Lastly, the introduction we get to the main character is very well done. This blurb is character-focused in the sense that it takes its time to describe the physical and mental state of the princess, Akarshika. However, this doesn't feel forced or boring to read in any way. Akarshika is intriguing to me due to the way you described her in such a detailed manner. I feel like I knew her better than characters I've read full books about, and that's just from reading the blurb. At the same time, the plot isn't neglected and you still take the time to hint at what's to come, making for a balanced blurb.

Other than some moments of repetition with the more complex language, I didn't have any criticisms for the blurb; however, that's such a minor criticism that I'm not going to dwell on it here. Overall, the blurb is very good.



- Fits the vibe of the story perfectly

- Everything is very clear

- Feels like a fantastical rollercoaster

- Solid grammar/spelling

- It flows well

- Good character introduction



Akarshika has a beautiful blurb that transports you into the author's world. You can feel the fantasy and elegance oozing out of the descriptions, and it makes you curious to see Akarshika's journey. Overall, this is an engaging, creative, and vivid blurb that will encourage any reader who sees it to take a closer look at the story.


Thank you for submitting your story to the Fairy Night Awards, and congratulations on winning first place. I hope you guys will check out this author's work, and I hope you enjoyed reading this review!

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