TROUVAILLE - Detailed Feedback

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Trouvaille was written by InheeStar. It follows Taehyung, Inhee, and Jimin as the main characters as they battle the political environment of their fantastical world. Forced into a war they did not want to partake in, the protagonists must figure out a way to find peace between the kingdoms before it's too late.


Detailed Feedback

What Worked:

I think the highlight of the story is the overall concept and world. The world has countless interesting ideas that all feel like they could be given their own book or spinoff series. Almost every chapter presents a new thing to absorb and learn about. Whether it be the kingdoms or the spirits, there are new elements to find intrigue in that keeps the reader invested in what's going on.

I have judged five arranged marriage stories in a row and I was a bit worried when I began reading this story, but it quickly subverted my expectations to the point where I forgot about the arranged marriage plot since it wasn't really front and center. The narrative had other things to focus on and made sure the marriage was there but not distracting, which I appreciated. I also appreciated the time period and setting since it made the arranged marriage fit in with the world in the story. Long story short: I liked how the arranged marriage was handled in this, both before and after the twist.

There is a high sense of adventure that propels the plot forward. Every character has a sense of enthusiasm to them and the adventure doesn't ever feel dull. Seeing as it's a royal AU, I was not expecting so much action and adventure, but I'm not complaining. It surprised me in a good way since it was easy to read, exciting, and made the plot feel engaging.

There were some fun and interesting moments throughout, such as when Inhee gifted a charm to Jimin or when Taehyung reveals his true motivations. These fun moments add to the sense of adventure I described above, and they also do a good job setting up important plot moments that will impact the fate of the characters.

Jungkook was probably my favorite character. I liked his inclusion in the story and how he acted. He fit his role nicely and I believe his personality matches what material you gave him in the story. I also think his twist with knowing about Inhee is the best one in the entire book. I hope we see more of Jungkook in the future.

The environments are all very well done throughout the entire book, but particularly toward the end as the spirits break free and there are more battle scenes. The action set pieces fit what you're going for with the concept of the story, and it also makes them more engaging to read when we know the environments, and better yet, find them unique.

That leads me to my next point: The action scenes are written well. They are exciting and quick-paced without feeling rushed. I particularly like the action scenes and the environments in chapters 17 and 18. The tension keeps heightening, which is leading me to believe we're nearing the climax of the story.

The themes are engaging so far. It's hard to comment too much on them since the ending isn't published yet, but I like the setup and I'm intrigued to see where it goes. It seems betrayal is a common theme in this story not only in the sense that it happens a lot, but in the sense that there's a lot of distrust in Inhee when she's around others, so I'd be curious to see how that develops in future chapters. I'm not sure how many more chapters there are, but I feel there are definitely quite a few ways you can take the ending, and I'm wondering what direction you'll take it.

I mentioned the plot a few times before, but I want to focus specifically on it now. I enjoyed the plot and I think it fit in with the world and characters. I think having it focus on the tensions between the kingdoms was a good idea so we can understand the world and also every characters' role in it. It's also just, in general, an entertaining plot to read about that's relatively easy to follow even with the twists.

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