Two Sides Of A Coin - Detailed Feedback

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Two Sides Of A Coin was written by my pookie Seamlesslove. It is a BTS fanfiction following Hwang Y/n and Kim Namjoon as they attempt to unravel a murder case that becomes more complicated than they originally thought. Namjoon is the prestigious detective. Y/n is the rookie that idolizes him. What could go wrong?


What Worked:

Throughout the entire story, the pacing is pretty solid. The only chapter that has much exposition is chapter 1, so it's not like any of the chapters are overly expository or too slow. On the other hand, they're also not too fast. Even during the huge action moments, I'm not getting overwhelmed by what's happening because you take the time to describe the movements in the scene. You have a balance where you keep everything moving but you don't go so fast that the readers get lost.

Similarly, the plot is very strong so far. It's a murder case that has a lot more going on beneath the surface. I have a feeling it's going to get a lot more complex as the story goes on, and I'm glad you're taking it in that direction! I don't want to spoil too much because everyone reading this should go read your story and find out for themselves, so I'll leave it at that and talk more about it in my Eclipse Awards review!

Although it's a little early to comment on the themes, I mentioned while commenting on your book that I liked what you were setting up with the idolization and realizing your idol isn't who you thought they were. If I'm reading this correctly, it looks like you're setting up a few themes here such as the impacts of idolization and maybe even a hint of obsession.

These are super engaging themes and it's impressive that I can make solid theories about the themes this early in the story. It normally takes me a while to start making theories about themes, but I didn't have this problem in your book. You make it clear without like throwing it in our faces. It's a subtle detail. It's in the back while the protagonists handle the murder case, but it's there just enough to clue any reader paying attention in on what's happening.

I can't wait to see the development of the themes in the story. It's rare I ever talk about themes, but these themes caught my eye and I'm glad you chose such unique ideas to have at the center of your book.

I briefly talked about the action scenes but I'd like to expand on that here. There's one major action scene in the story so far and I think it's well-done. You do a good job setting the scene before letting the action break out, and even during said scene, you give attention to the details so it isn't a flat moment with nothing going on around the characters. It's an overall good action scene, which is a great thing considering most authors struggle with writing action.

I saved the best for last, of course.

Jackson Wang.

Kidding, kidding! I'm kidding!!!


(not but seriously long live Jackson Wang he's awesome in this story and I can't wait to see his "unknown reason" get more attention later!)

It is related to Jackson Wang though. Characters! As you know, characters are my favorite part of any story, and your characters are really nice in this. I like how Namjoon is like the black cat while Y/n is the golden retriever. She's got a variety of emotions that make her personality diverse without feeling forced or too out there to relate to/attach ourselves to.

Namjoon is more stoic but he has a hint of sassiness and pettiness/stubbornness in him that makes him stand out. I'm curious to know more about him. We've gotten a lot about Y/n and I'm super happy with that, and now I can't wait to see more of their dynamic in the future.

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