2|Why me?

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Eve's POV

This was going to be a very long day.

"Ma'am, is it possible for me to switch seats with someone?" I asked politely and the class giggled.

I looked back at Haze, and he watched me with a smirk like a shark eyeing its prey.

"Look around Ms. Parker, everyone is paired up already. You should have come to class early. I also cannot allow Mr. De Luca to sit with any of his friends so please, have a seat."

I wanted to scream and cry right then and there but instead; I did what she said and sat next to Haze.

I waited for him to say some smart comment but he oddly stayed silent.

"Alright guys, work the math problems on page 53. You may work with your neighbor," Ms. Webster stated before returning to her desk and starting to work the math questions as well.

A couple minutes passed, and I was halfway through the questions. I turned my head to see Haze looking out the window trying not laugh.

My eyes followed his line of vision to see his idiot best friend, Jason, jumping and down with weed in his hand. He then pointed at the door, signaling for Haze to leave.

Haze shook his head but Jason clasped his hands, practically begging Haze to meet him.

He took a minute before he sighed and stood up.

When Jason realized that Haze agreed, he ran away from the window.

"Where do you think you're going, Haze?" Ms. Webster quickly asked.

"Bathroom," he simply said before heading to the door.

"Turn in your work first and then you can go."

He quickly grabbed his stomach and I rolled my eyes. Of course, he played that card.

"I don't think I can wait that long miss. I shouldn't have had that ice-cream earlier."

Her face turned pale as her eyes widened. "Oh, then take your time Mr. De Luca. You should go now; I don't want any accidents happening."

The class laughed.

He nodded his head. "Thanks Ms. W," he said before rushing off to meet Jason.

Guys like Haze serve no purpose in his world. He's rich and probably has the best family in the world. He gets anything what he wants. He wants to be captain of the soccer team? They gave him. He wants to have a girlfriend? You better believe there is a whole line of girls waiting. Everything falls on a silver platter at his feet.

I continued to work these math problems alone before Haze marched back in.

"That took a while, are you okay now?" Ms. Webster asked.

"Huh?" Haze asked. His eyes were red as hell. He was high! He rubbed his stomach. "Oh yeah, I had a battle but I made it through."


He returned to his seat and actually started the math problems. He had covered his weed scent with vanilla spray.

The bell rang and everyone rushed out the class to go home.

I packed my things and walked to the entrance of the school where the others were waiting on me. I sometimes carpooled with them whenever I don't feel like driving or when dad is in town.

Aaron stood watching his phone while Belly and Chase held hands and kissed. I waited a few seconds before clearing my throat.

They immediately pulled away and dropped hands as if they had committed a serious crime.

"Eve," Chase began with but trailed off.

"It's okay, you guys don't have to walk on eggshells around me."

Belly smiled before hugging me, "This is why I love you."

I hugged her back. "Love you too."

Chase silently watched in disappointment.

Yes, Chase and I had something going on but he liked Belly a little more. They are my best friends; I'm going to be happy for them.

Who knows maybe Chase and I would've ended badly, and I would've lost a best friend.

Belly pulled away and the four of us headed to Chase's car.

On the way out the parking lot, I saw Haze and Ashley, the most popular girl in school, arguing by his car. I never got why they were together. I mean they were both bullies and popular but apart from that, it just seemed forced. They take a lot of pictures together but they never look happy.

"Eve!" Belly shouted bringing out of my thoughts. "Did you hear what I said?"


She sighed, "Of course you didn't. I said I want you as my campaign manager. I need two dozen flyers. "

Student body president elections were near, and Belly wanted to run. She wanted this from since middle school.

"Anything for you dear," I simply said.

"Why are you even doing all of this? You're going to win anyway," Chase said as he turned the corner.

It's true, she's going to win because nobody cares about it enough to run. She's the only one. The only reason elections are going is for formality only.

"I know but I want people to know I do care about this position," Belly said.

Aaron laughed, "Bells, you even running shows that you care."

The people in this school cared more about sports teams than student body president elections.

"We're here Eve," Chase said as the car slowly came to a stop. He looked back at me. "Don't forget to put some ice on your back, okay?"

I silently nodded and came out the car. "See you tomorrow."

They all waved before the car sped off.

I sighed before putting on my headphones with no intension of playing any music.

I opened the door and I was immediately hit with the fresh smell of cookies. I quickly rushed to the stairs but he had already heard me.

"Eve, you're home. I made cookies!" Tom said.

I continued to rush up the stairs like I didn't hear anything.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not rude but I can't help it.

Tom is my stepdad. Mom cheated on dad with him a year ago and they got married within six months.

Imagine living in a happy household with your mom and dad to suddenly having your dad being thrown out the house and replaced with someone new like he meant nothing to her.

Dad now lives in a completely different state from us now and can barely manage to talk to me now. Every pay that he gets, he sends me fifty percent of it. He tries to visit me every now and then but the fee to get here is crazy.

I love my dad and no one will ever replace him.

At first, I didn't mind Tom. He went into work early and came home late so I barely saw him but last month, he thought it was a brilliant idea to work from home. Ever since, he has been driving me crazy. I go to the library sometimes to get a break but it closed last week for renovations.

I slowly laid on my sore back as I allowed the pain to do its thing.

My eyes swelled with tears. Why did Haze pick on me of all persons? Why couldn't it be some other girl? Or no one at all?

I stretched over to my nightstand where the journal dad left me was. He gave it to me the night he left and told me to write all the questions I have for him so that I don't forget anything.

I sat up and pressed my back against the white wall my bed was pushed against. I turned to the last page I was on and began writing.

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