23|Italian Pizzas

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Eve's POV

"What? What do you mean?" he asked confused.

I started panicking as I pointed him to the direction of the figures.

"Eve, relax, they won't know us," he tried to calm me down.

I calmed down a bit as I tried to identify the faces from the distance. When I did, my panic appeared again.

"They're from our school! They're going to know us! We have to go!"

He looked at their faces himself. "They're not from our school. I have never seen those faces in my life."

"It's Bill and Jenny! They're in our English class!"

"Oh," he simply said.

"Oh? That's all you are going to say Haze? OH!?"

"I am looking for somewhere for us to hide," he calmy said.

He pointed at some rocks. "We can hide behind there. They probably are going to take some pictures and move on."

Therefore, we swam out the water, picked up our stuff and ran behind the rock.

As soon as we were hidden behind the rock, I closed my eyes and tried to calm down myself.

I started to hear talking from Billy and Jenny which caused me to panic even more.

Haze took no time to grab my hand. "It's going to be okay."

I pulled away my hand.

"Don't touch me!" I whispered. "You said no one would be here!"

He closed his eyes for a minute before looking in front of him. This was when I realized that I had been a little mean to him.

A few minutes passed and they were still there. Suddenly, I started to hear moaning and my skin started itching since I knew what that meant.

I turned to him. "Haze, they're having-"

"Yeah, I know," he said angrily.

He stood up.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to him but he ignored me.

He cleared his throat, and I heard Jenny scream.

"Haze?" Billy asked. "What are you doing behind there?"

"You two need to go somewhere else. I'm trying to take a dump here," Haze answered and I facepalmed myself.

"Please don't tell anyone you saw us here," Jenny begged.

"I will once you two do the same for me."

"Deal," they both said.

A while passed before Haze looked back down on me. "They're gone. You can get up now. Put on your shirt so we can leave."

He started walking away.

I quickly threw on me shirt before catching up to him. "Haze, wait up!"

He stopped and waited for me.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just got overstimulated because you were talking about us and then they showed up out nowhere."

He brushed his hand against my face. "It's okay. You have every right to be upset."

He stretched out his hand and I took it before we walked back to his car.


"I should go say goodbye to Elianna before I leave," I mentioned to Haze as I came out his car.

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