39|Result Day

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Haze's POV

Dad, Elle and I stood around my computer. The national football rank had just been updated.

This will determine my fate. I could either say goodbye to my future football career or goodbye to any possibility of me being forced into the business world.

"Well hurry up! We have a plane to catch."

I took a deep breath before tapping the link.

I searched for my name and my shoulders dropped when I saw my position.


Dad smiled. "Pack your things. We leave in two hours."

"Papa! He just missed it by one!" Elle shouted.

I lowered my head.

"The deal was top twenty! If a boat has reached its maximum limit and there is just one more person, will you add them? No! That is how life works, principessa."

"There has to be something he could do!"

"It's okay, Elle. We made a deal and I didn't make it," I accepted my fate.

"You worked so hard Haze!"

"It wasn't enough! I'll go pack my things," I said as I got up.

"Wait!" she shouted. "I'll go."

Dad laughed. "Principessa, stick to dancing."

"It's ok, Elle. I don't want you to make that sacrifice for me."

"No! I want to go. As you said, I'm the first born so it makes sense."

"Are you stupid, Elle? Dad will arrange a marriage for you and your future will over!"

"I know."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not making you marry some old fart for me."

"It's not your decision to make," she said as she turned to dad. "Papa, didn't you say it was time for me to settle down? I'm ready now."

"Yes but are you sure about this? You will be taken to a very dangerous environment where there is no dancing and parties like over here."

She nodded. "I know. I want this."

"No!" I shouted.

"I have already had my fun, Haze. It's time for you to have yours. Now, go get dressed for prom."

I shook my head. "No Elle, please!"

"Go get ready! I need to see you dressed before I leave."

I didn't like this. I didn't like this one bit.

I turned around and headed to my bathroom. I had a shower then put on my black and white tux.

I combed then slicked back my hair.

There was a knock on my door.

When I looked back, it was Elle peaking in.

"Can I come in?"

I smiled before nodding.

She had already changed her outfit and had her suitcase in her hand.

She started to cry before hugging me. We would always bounce right back after having a fight. We would just pretend like nothing happened.

"I'm really sorry about everything, Haze. I'm sorry about what I said and I'm sorry I never saw the hell you were living in."

I wrapped my arms around her.

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