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Eve's POV

I cheered as loud as I could while they crowned Haze. Even though we were not together, I was still proud of it.

He deserved it. He needed at least one win for the week.

"You okay?" Chase whispered in my ear and I nodded. "You look amazing."

"Thank you," I whispered back.

"The king and queen will have their first dance but first, they will each give a speech. Ladies first so let us welcome our queen!" Andrea announced and the crowd cheered.

"I am so honored to be prom queen. I would have never thought I'd be here but my kindness and humbleness brought me here so thank you. I love you all!" Ashley claimed.

My friends and I shared weird looks. Nevertheless, we still clapped for her.

Haze took the mic. "I always say that I'm not much of a talker before I say a speech, but I always end up overtalking anyways. I promise I'll keep this speech short and sweet like Ashley's."

"First of all, thank you for making me your prom king."

"Second of all, I want to talk about my queen. She is thoughtful, beautiful, caring, and for the first time in my life, someone has made me fall in love with them."

The crowd awed and Ashley blushed. I wrapped my arms around myself as the I suddenly felt colder.

His words hurt me. Her reaction hurt me. I was about to step outside to save myself from hearing his hurtful words but his next sentence stopped me.

"The only thing is that she isn't on the stage right next to me."

My heart started beating faster.

"Eve, where are you?"

I started to sweat as everyone turned their attention to me and the spotlights landed on me.

He walked down from the stage and headed towards me.

Nervousness was an understatement for me right now as I looked around.

He stretched out his hand. "Evelyn Parker, may I have this first dance with you?"

The room was in complete silence. The music had stopped and everyone was too interested to speak.

"What are you doing, Haze?" I whispered to him.

"I'm done keeping you my secret."

I didn't know what to say. What would people think? What would my friends think? What would his friends think?

"Just say yes already!" I heard Jason's voice shout from somewhere and others joined in.

Within a few seconds everyone was shouting at me to say yes.

I eventually gave in and took his hand.

He guided me to the dance floor and a slow song started playing.

He placed his hands on my lower waist and pressed my body to him. I placed my hands on his broad shoulders and we began to sway.

He started to smile.

"What are you smiling for?" I asked.

"Because we're dancing in public."

I laughed and he stopped smiling.

"Eve, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry it took me so long to do this and I'm sorry I even made you feel like I was embarrassed of you. I'm sorry for everything."

I frowned. "I'm sorry too. I should have talked to you better and not just ended it so abrupt. I'm sorry I dumped you on your birthday. That must have sucked."

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