25|First Meeting

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Eve's POV

"He could have tried to come early since this is the first meeting," Belly mumbled under her breath.

"He could have been meaner and not make you vice president," Andrea, one of the board members, barked back.

We had been waiting for Haze to arrive and give instructions for the past ten minutes.

"Can somebody call him?" Jarrod, another board member, asked.

"We tried, he won't pick up," Kelly answered.

Belly stood up. "I could start the meeting if you guys like. I mean, I am V.P after all. I actually have some plans I would like to share-"

"Let me stop you right there," Andrea said. "I don't know how you got Haze to pity for you and make you V. P. but just know we won't ever consider you as it, nerd. Just shut up and be thankful that you can put that on your college resume. Haze is in charge, no one else."

Belly sat back down.

I held her hand. "Relax."

She pulled away her hand. "Don't tell me to relax! These idiots really think Haze would be a good leader? Haze De Luca? He can't even control his own temper, much less the student body. I'm sure he doesn't even know how to plan anything."

"You don't know that."

"Maybe not but one thing I know is that he can't be a good leader. A good leader is supposed to set an example. Bullying others is not a good example! Being ten minutes late on the first day is not a good example!"

"I understand but-"

"He's coming!" Kelly shouted.

We all sat up and looked straight ahead of us.

Haze strolled in silently and headed to the front. He yawned as he sat down and closed his eyes.

I looked over to Belly and she was fuming. I held her down and shook my head. I knew she was going to do something stupid that we both would regret later.

Haze finally stood up and handed out booklets to all of us.

He went back up to the front and cleared his throat.

"I'm not much of a talker and I don't really want to hear any of your names or five facts about you so I think we can skip the introduction. In the booklets I just handed out are all the goals and plans I have for the year. Read through it. If you have any problems with what I have, we can do a vote to change it. Questions?"

We all watched him in shock.

I opened the booklet, and all the plans were neatly laid out. Everything was organized by the month and was colour coded. My jaw dropped.

I looked up to watch him again and his eyes were already on me. As soon as he noticed, he looked away.

"Looks like there are no questions, great!" he said as he started picking up his stuff to leave.

Belly raised her hand. "Wait!"

He sighed. "Yes?"

"Shouldn't you delegate roles to everyone? For example, I am the vice president so somebody else can be the secretary or the treasurer or the P.R.O."

Haze gave her a blank expression before starting to walk off.


"What!?" he shouted.

"You're the president so you should pick so there will be no confusion."

He started to walk away again.

"You shouldn't be president. You don't deserve it!"

I touched her hand to make her stop, but she kept going.

"You don't even want to delegate responsibilities or do anything. I should be president!"

He halted before turning a sharp 180.

"I sat for eight hours planning out everything for each one of you! I even put in pretty colours so you guys would actually read it. If you'd taken the time to read it, you would've seen your name and your position on the first page. Don't you ever say I don't want to do anything!"

I closed my eyes as Belly opened up the booklet.

"Oh," she said then I opened my eyes. "You could have just said so."

"You could've just read like I told you to!"

He held his head as he put down his stuff. "Look guys, I know some of you are not a big fan of me and I get that but we're a team now. All of you need to trust me because I am going to trust you. This is not a dictatorship but if I ask you guys to do something, I need you to do it. I said I didn't care to learn your names earlier because I already know them. I know each of you and your character, so I have picked the best position for each of you. I am going to ask one last time...questions?"

Everyone stayed silent.

"Great," he muttered before picking up his stuff and finally getting to walk out.

I opened my booklet and smiled a little when I saw my position.


Everyone turned to look at Belly who looked defeated.

"I told you to shut up. Your big mouth just made things worse!" Andrea shouted before storming out and the others followed behind.

"Belly," I said.

"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to be a part of leading. I know you were trying to stop me, but I ignored you. He is probably going to pick on you more because he is mad but just know that I will stand up for you. I am not going to stick on the sidelines like I have always have."

I stood up. "I can handle him."

She laughed. "Evie, you can't even manage a single flinch from him. Remember that one time you cried for two periods because he shouted at you?"

"Shut up Belly. Why would you even bring that up?"

"I am telling you this to prove to you that you can't handle Haze. You never will. He is just too powerful for you."

I scoffed. "Are you hearing yourself right now? It's the other way around."

She picked up her stuff. "Think whatever you want but just know that I will always have your back."

After that, she walked out.

I couldn't help but feel offended.

I can't handle Haze? Of course, I can! I can handle him right now.

I picked up my phone and searched for Him.

After two rings, he picked up.


"Where are you?"

"Football field."

"Meet me in the janitor's closet."

He sighed. "I can't do that. There are too many pe-"

"Now," I ordered before hanging up.

My hands were shaking a little as I felt a rush through my body.

I like this.

I went to the janitor's closet and waited.

Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. I was beginning to feel like an idiot.

I couldn't help but wonder if he had given up on us for good. The day is going to come when one of us is going to get sick of this and move and I have a feeling he is going to be the one to do so.

The worst thing is that you don't know when or where it would happen. He could just give up on us right here, right now.

You just never know.

After picking up on the message which he was trying to display, I opened the door.

I guess it was time.

A soft hand sat on top of mine.

"Don't leave just yet."

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