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Eve's POV

"You barely thought about it! Are you really going to join forces with that guy? You'll be under a dictatorship if you join his team!" Chase shouted.

"I've always wanted to be on student council. This might not be president but it's close," Belly answered back.

"I can't believe you are settling for that!"

"What should I do Chase? Should I just do nothing? What don't you get Chase? No one voted for me! I'm lucky he is even offering me this position."

As Chase and Belly continued to argue, Haze discreetly rubbed his thumb on my neck. At first, I pretended like it wasn't affecting me but then a smile came out. I bit my lip and curled my toes so I could keep myself contained.

He was doing this on purpose. No one was watching us, they were all too busy listening to Belly and Chase's argument.

He moved forward a little, just an inch, so that my back was slightly pressing against him.

I looked up and saw Aaron's eyes fixed on us. I quickly shrugged off Haze's hands off of my shoulders and sat forward.

He knows.

Haze cleared his throat. "Are you two going to finish anytime soon?"

"Yes, I'll take it!" Belly shouted angrily.

"You're on your own with this one," Chase grumbled.

"Actually, I am not. I will have Eve with me," she said before turning to Chase. "Think about it C, wouldn't it be best if I join Eve. We can't leave her alone with these people."

"Who the hell are you calling 'these people'? Do you think you're better than us?" Jason shouted but Haze covered his mouth.

Chase sighed, "Whatever, do what you want."

"Great! Meetings will be held every Wednesday at three. Don't be late," Haze drily said before turning around to leave.

He turned back to us before setting his eyes on Aaron.

"Glad to see that you're back Aroy," Haze said.

"It's Aaron," he shyly answered.

Haze raised his eyebrow. "What was that?"

"My-my name is Aaron, not Aroy," he stuttered.

Haze nodded. "Oh, good to know, Aaron."

Jason punched him. "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to become friends with these freaks?"

"Oh, shut up, Jason," Haze said before stretching his hand out to Aaron. "I'm sorry I put you in the hospital. I guess I just got out of control. I hope there is no hard feelings."

Everyone's eyes widened, including mine. No one expected to hear an apology coming out of Haze's mouth, especially to Aaron.

Aaron hesitated before shaking his hand. "Thank you, Haze."

Haze immediately dropped his smile and started squeezing Aaron's hand. I could see the fear in Aaron's eyes.

"Don't ever pull that shit on me again or else you won't be here to get a second apology."

Aaron's breathing accelerated.

"Got it?"

Aaron nodded his head at once.

Haze let go of Aaron's hand and put back on his fake smile.

"Good job," he said before patting Aaron's back and walking to his seat with the trail of people behind him.

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