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The mortal cup

The mortal cup

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"My mom has been so overprotective recently" Clary sighed from her place on top of the van to which Elara was sat beside her chuckling ever so slightly.

"So do you remember In Aliens when the alien queen was defending her eggs from Ripley?" Simon questioned turning his gaze over towards the redhead.

"In this scenario, is my mom Ripley or the alien queen?" Clary replied with a confused tone within her voice.

"Both" Was all the boy replied.

"What?" Elara and Maureen piped up, both equally confused within the conversation that had started.

"A mother defending her young," Simon eyes sparkled with amusement when he saw a look within Elara's eyes which told him she now understood.

"It's true." Elara nodded "her life couldn't be more mundane"
She moved to nudge Clary ever so slightly before speaking up again "Also because she's boring as hell"

"Lara's right, but I'm not boring" Clary turned her head towards Elara and glared at her but sighed in defeat as all the other girl did was smirk innocently towards the redhead.

"And besides" Clary continued the second she casted her gaze away from the brunette. "I don't really know much about when she was young." a smile appeared onto her lips the moment she felt Elara's head rest upon her shoulder.

"Oh, just do what I do and get all the dirt from your relatives." Maureen suggested which only caused a groan to come from within Elara, the brunette knew exactly where this conversation was going to go now, 'the I have no other family' speech.

"Well, I would if I could, but she doesn't have any" Clary replied in an amused tone. "And my dad died before I was even born."

"So, you have no one?" Maureen asked as shock laced her voice. "No uncles, No aunts, no third cousins, twice removed?"

"No, just me and my mom." Clary shook her head which caused Elara to furrow her brows the moment Clary's hair brushed against her face.

"It's why the Lewis clan has added three chairs to every seder since pre-school." Simon smiled watching as Elara sat up straight and nodded her head.

"One for Clary, one for Jocelyn and one for Elijah." Elara chuckled while crossing her arms.

"Of course." Clary nodded in agreement, wrapping one of her arms around Elara's shoulder as she pulled her into a sidewards hug. Maureen on the other hand didn't believe anything the other three were saying, her brow raising ever so slightly.

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