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Bad Blood

Bad Blood

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"You honestly couldn't have just gone to the shop and bought a regular wine glass?" Questioned Elara, holding the Cup within her hands, Jace's hands were placed over hers. She tilted her head slightly, waiting for him to reply.

"That wine glass saved mine and Clary's life." Responded Jace "Plus, a regular cup couldn't control demons or make new Shadowhunters."

"Damn." Muttered the brunette, looking down at the Cup "Let's just hope valentine doesn't get this Cup then, I don't need him controlling me or anything."

"That won't happen."

"But-but What If it does?" The girl stammered, looking back up, his gaze locking onto hers. "What if I can't stop him."

"First rule of shadowhunting." Jace started, smiling warmly "When something explodes, just keep walking. Never think twice, never look away."

"Oh yeah?" She smirked "what's the second rule, Angel boy?"

Before he could respond, Isabelle's whip took the cup from their hands and placed it into hers. "There's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels." She smirked.

"That's my new favorite rule." Chuckled Elara, turning to face her as she walked towards them. Jace kissed Elara's cheek before walking away from both girls.

Clary walked over and sighed, taking the cup away from Isabelle "So this is where it's been." She hummed, giving Elara a playful glare. Elara sighed, she didn't technically steal the cup from within Clary's room while she was sleeping, she merely borrowed it.

Clary placed the cup back into the tarot card, making sure it was safe and away from anyone wanting to steal it. Elara was still all up for the idea of buying a cup from the shop and using that as a decoy, but she knew everyone would think it was a  stupid idea.

"I'm going to check on, Simon." Elara piped up, her gaze latching onto Clary's, the redhead nodded before she watched the girl walk away from them.

Elara pulled out her phone and immediately clicked on Simon's number. It rang for awhile before ending, that alone made Elara furrow her brows and try again, but like last time, there was no answer. Was Simon okay? Was he in trouble.

Elara turned her head to see the others were in a deep conversation about something, She vaguely heard them arguing about what to do with the Cup. The brunettes' opinion would've been to give it to the Clave people she keeps hearing about and not deal with it anymore, but she knew Clary wouldn't allow that.

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