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Major Arcana

Major Arcana

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Clary sat across from Elara, the famous Cup placed within her hands, a shimmering gleam of pride appeared in her eyes before she hesitated to pass the cup over to Elara, not because she didn't trust the girl, but because of what the Cup could do to her.

The brunette leaned forwards and plucked it from her, a slight stinging pain but also a surge of power flowed through her. Elara gazed down at it in wonder, were Demons even allowed to hold the Cup? Well at least she now undstood why they couldn't just go to the shop and buy a Cup, this one was beautiful. "So you finally found it?" asked Elara, looking up at the redhead.

"Yes" Clary nodded "I couldn't get it out until Jace and I were running from a Shax Demon and we ended up at a dead end."

"Then what happened?" Questioned Elara, her eyes peering over at her in anticipation and wonder.

"I reached my hand into the tarot card and pulled it out, Lara, I controlled the Demons to go away, the Cup allowed me control over them."

"Does that mean you could control me?" Mused Elara, her voice sounding small. Clary shrugged slightly as she stood up, holding her hand out.

Elara hesitated before she gently placed the Cup into her hand. "What are you doing?"

But the redhead didn't answer as she grasped the Cup properly in her hand, her eyes watching as Elara stood up and walked to the middle of the bedroom, the redhead walking towards her before lifting the Cup up. "Go to the window and Jump!" She demanded.

Elara furrowed her brows slightly, she couldn't feel control while her mind became foggy. She felt herself turning around walking towards the window, her face emotionless as she pulled it open and climbed onto the ledge.

" Elara, stop!" Yelled Clary in a strong voice, she didn't actually expect it to work, hence the stupid request.

Elara shook her head slightly as her mind became clear once more before she gasped and gripped onto the sides of the window, arms wrapping themselves around her waist as she was holsted back through the window and placed gently onto the floor.

Why did it work for her, Shouldn't the Angel blood be fighting to overtake that side of her? But even the girl knew her demon side was going haywire on the inside, taking any chance it could to awaken. She needed to control that, she needed to make her Angel side takeover around the Cup.

"Clary, couldn't you have tried that a safer way?" Exclaimed Jace, his arm still wrapped around Elara's waist as he pulled her around to look at him, checking for any injuries.

"Well at least we know this Cup is dangerous towards her." Said Clary, crossing her arms. "But I'm sorry."

Jace guided Elara towards the bed as they both sat down, the latter sighed as she spoke "You didn't have to almost make me jump out of the window, Clare." a small smirk appeared onto her lips "It's a good thing you told me to stop or else you'd probably be a murderer right now"

Clary laughed as she made her way to sit upon the bed, giving the brunette a quick side hug with apologetic eyes. "Lara, have you learned anything else about yourself?" she was quick to change the subject, the thought of almost killing her best friend flowed through her with guilt.

Elara nodded "I know that every doppelganger is destined to die young somehow, they're also designed to go into battle and put everyone else above themselves." she gave them both a small smile. "Cheryl was the original owner of my face, but she died at the hands of her lover who also had demon blood in his system, like me. He didn't mean to do it, the demon side got the best of him."

"That's horrible." Gasped Clary, placing her hand up to her mouth while Jace reached over and placed his hand upon Elara's knee to which the girl gently rested hers over his.

"Marlo was the first doppelganger, she was also my grandmother." Elara smiled "She died protecting me from Valentine, after she gave me to Magnus to be sent to the Lewis', she went to go and see her lover, Raphael Santiago, but she was attacked by a group of demons who killed her slowly and painfully." a small tear escaped ran down her face as she moved her gaze away from the two, casting it down towards the floor. "Raphael found her, tried to save her but it was too late, she was gone."

"Raphael Santiago?" The redhead muttered to herself.

"Marlo was protecting you?" Asked Jace, his hand gently moving to interlace with Elara's.

"Valentine knew of the blood I carried, since he did this to me, Marlo didn't want me to be used as a weapon towards Shadowhunters, so she took me away." said the brunette, arily "I will forever be grateful for the sacrifices she made for me that day, so if the time comes that I have an opportunity to save any of you, I'll take it, I'd sacrifice myself for you guys and welcome death with open arms."

"Elara" Clary's voice held so much sorrow as she placed her hand upon the girls shoulder. "You'll do no such thing, your life is just as important, don't waste it."

"I won't be wasting it." Elara smiled lightly "I'll be using it for the greater good, if my life was to end for many to be saved, I would do it in a heartbeat, that's what doppelgangers do, we're warriors who were destined to fight."

"As long as I'm with you, you won't be doing any Sacrificing." Responded Jace, shaking his head. "Your life is very important to me, to all of us, so we won't be letting you end that anytime soon"

"I'm not saying that I'll do it straight away." Replied Elara, chuckling slightly "I'm just saying that don't be surprised if I run in front of you in a battle because a demon was to attack you or if we faced Valentine and he tried to kill you." She turned her head to peer at Clary who held a shocked expression while Jace's held the same look. "It's what I'm meant to do, so let it be when it happens, don't stop me because as soon as I die, another me will be born, another doppelganger."

"What do you mean?" Jace furrowed his brows.

"Normally when a doppelganger dies, another is born, Marlo had already died and became a vampire so when my mother gave birth to me, I was the second doppelganger."

Jace nodded his head in understanding before he spoke up again "Do the new doppelgangers have any memory of the past ones?"

Elara shook her head "We're all different, Cheryl was a hopeless romantic, she always saw the best in people." a soft smile graced her lips "Marlo was caring and mind, always doing things for others. But I'm Sarcastic and dangerous, We all have different personalities, never the same but that's what makes us unique, I guess."

"You're not dangerous." Breathed Clary "You're brave and definitely a Warrior Princess, you're amazing."

Elara smiled before a small yawn escaped her lips.

"Okay, Lara, time for you to go bed." Whispered Jace as Clary stood up and bid her farewells and good night's, leaving the room as she did so.

"Stay with me?" questioned Elara, peering up at the boy who nodded his head gently and climbed into the bed with her.



ANOTHER one, I'm still on my roll. Of course it's a filler chapter but still a pretty decent one.

Gimmie gimmie feedback, I crave it.

I adore you all!


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