Chapter 1

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She had been practicing for the interview as well as her cooking skills. The interview had to take place after two days. She was quite nervous.

"Ayzel, you are still up?" Mrs. Khan suddenly caught her in the kitchen late at night.

She smiled sheepily at her. The whole orphanage was drowned in silence, the very orphanage beaming with noise and plays of innocent orphan kids.
Ayzel was also an orphan. 22 years ago, her mother gave her birth here in this orphanage. A tragic night it was

"I'm just wrapping up all the things," she replied innocently.

Mrs. Khan just chuckled. She went to her. Put her hands on Ayzel's shoulders and assured her.

"Do not be nervous my child. InshaAllah you Will be selected for the job and will be independent. Nobody can resist my angel's taste."

Mrs. Khan's words put some courage inside her. Finding a job was very crucial for her now. She has already passed the age limit. Nobody more than 20 years is allowed to stay in the orphanage. It was only Mrs. Khan's request due to which authority had allowed her to stay here but only for a few months more. Then she just had to leave the place.
By chance no body ever adopted her. Her friend also got a job and left from there.
Ayzel was already doing a job in a cafe, but it was very low paying. And with that job, she could not afford other expenses like rent, bills, groceries, etc.

2 days later

Ayzel and her friend Sana were walking on the road. Today was the day of the interview. Sana decided to accompany her. They decided to go on the bus. While they were waiting for the bus at the bus stop, Ayzel's attention got by a beggar. He was an old man in a very miserable condition, asking for a penny. Her soft and innocent heart could not see this. She checked her purse. Only a single note of hundred rupees was inside.

And without thinking twice she gave away the last money she had, to the poor beggar. The poor man's eyes teared up and he gave,

"Ayzel, girl what are you doing!" her friend exclaimed.

"It's okay. He needs it more than me."
She reasoned.

Sana just shook her head. "And how are you going to pay for your bus ticket?" she asked her with narrow eyes.

Ayzel bit her lips in nervousness.

At that very moment, the bus came. Sana grabbed her hand and both went inside the bus. Sana paid for Ayzel's ticket as well. The whole ride she lectured her that these beggars are not what they seem and all their clever tricks and facade. Ayzel only smiled at her. She still believed in helping others.

Little did she know, that this act of kindness will make her pay in the future very, very badly.

As soon as the bus disappeared from the beggar's eyesight, he took out the latest iPhone and called someone.

"Finally, found the perfect pawn," he told someone. A devilish smirk was playing on his lips.

At the interview place, Ayzel was praying very hard inside her heart. The other competitors had a very great experience, as compared to her.
She was now sitting in front of the selection committee. The restaurant was of a very great name.

" Miss Ayzel so you never went to any culinary institute and neither you have done any cooking course." The manager asked her in a very critical tone, holding her C.V.

"Ummm...yes. I mostly learned by myself. But I can make anything and develop new recipes. I am a very fast learner." She tried to win the situation for her.
"Your work experience is also not according to our requirements." a woman commented her.

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