Chapter 3

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The day came finally.

Ayzel came by auto-rickshaw to Skinder Mansion. Even the auto driver was dumbstruck only upon seeing the gate of the Mansion.
He was wondering what reason had brought this girl here. She was not even looking like a poor maid who came here for a sweeper's job. But he did not voice out his thoughts. Ayzel paid him fare and went towards the gate.

There was very tight security. They checked her thoroughly. But they were giving her weird looks like she is an Alien.

Even a guard eventually taunted her.

"you are the first person and only candidate who bought an auto at the front of this mansion. "

Ayzel frowned. He was making fun of her state.

As she didn't know the drivers and servants here also owned the cars.

Asking the direction, she went inside. Every corner of this place was screaming wealth. Ayzel, first-time saw such a place in her life.
She joined all the other candidates in a room. They were a total of ten candidates, including her. 6 women and 4 men.
She saw car keys in the hands of half the candidates. Their dresses were telling that they have come straight from the laundry. The ladies were dipped in makeup from head to toe. They all were senior to her in both age and experience. She lost all hope inside her. She never faced such candidates even in her previous restaurant. She was extremely feeling out of the circle.
Other candidates also looked at her, as if she is beneath them. She had just applied light chapstick on her lips and was wearing a simple dress.

After half an hour, a not-so-much elderly woman came.
"Good morning to all of you. Myself Asma. I supervise all the workers here. Your test will begin shortly. Best of luck." she told with a polite smile to them. But Asma got startled for a second when she looked at Ayzel. A flash of memory hit her. But she shook her head and went from there.
Soon the competition began. They all were first asked to cut vegetables and fruits in front of Asma and Aliya Khanum. It was the test of skills. Only seven passed it including Ayzel.

Then they were asked to recognize the spice by looking at it. And at the end, they were blindfolded, to identify the ingredients, by sense of touch and smell.
Only Ayzel succeeded with all other correct answers. The other two females were selected along with her for the final round but didn't get perfect scores like her in the last round.

The final round was cooking breakfast for the family. And this time Zain, Burhan, and Zikria were also present.
Ayzel was worrying, what if they ask to cook something difficult? Zikria was also staring at her face like he was searching for someone's face. But Ayzel was feeling uneasy due to the intimidating and cold personality of Zain. He was observing all of them with intense eyes like they are some criminals and he is an investigator.

"Make an omelet with paratha, and some coffee," he ordered them. They'll get relaxed upon hearing it. The action began. The other females were passing looks at him during cooking.

But only Ayzel was passionate about breaking eggs and then scrambling them. There was a bright smile on her face, as she was immersed in her most favorite tasks.

One by one all of them serve their art. Others' cooking was good too, but Ayzel made breakfast was heaven.
Bubbles of flavors burst into their mouths. But her cooking brought tears to the eyes of Zikria.

" It taste's exactly like her." he thought.

"Just select this girl. I never knew an omelet can be tastier like this. And these parathas Oh My God. Her husband would be a lucky man". Burhan got enchanted by her cooking.

"While she was cooking, I could not take my eyes off her." Aliya Begum also added.

"She was not clever like other girls. She seems so pure and innocent. When I saw her, my heart said she will be the one. He excelled in all rounds. She truly knows all the kitchen and cooking things." Asma expressed her opinions.

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