Chapter 9

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A week passed but nobody returned yet. Ayzel was feeling very lonely. She used to enjoy Asma's care, and serving Aliya Khanum.

Burhan only came one day when he had work in the mansion. That day Ayzel enjoyed a bit. They both talked and Ayzel cooked for him. He promised her soon he and Zikria would be back when his grandmother returned.

Today Warda came along with her friends. Her friends were a big group of spoiled brats from elite-class families.

A worried maid came into the kitchen and told her to make a variety of snacks for Warda and her friends.

"Okay, I will make the things. But why your face is pale?" Ayzel asked her.

"Warda Maam and her friends are not good news. They always insult maids here. Whenever they come, somebody gets into trouble." the maid expressed her experience.

"I do not want to serve her. " the maid cried out.

"Do not take tension. I will serve her too." Ayzel took pity on the poor maid. It was her nature to lessen everyone's worry.

Little did she know, she was walking to her death.

Once the snacks were ready, she went to the Warda's group. They all were sitting on the chairs in a big green field, outside the stables. Ayzel saw this area for the first time. She came here with the help of a servant.

"Oh look, who is here? Friends meet Ayzel, our new maid. oops I mean our new chef." Warda spoke in an extraordinarily flatter tune. Ayzel understood the hidden mockery in her voice. But she did not say anything.

"HI AYZEL." All minions of Warda spoke in synchronization. Their voices were purposely childish to irritate Ayzel.

"Hello to you all too," she replied to them without any emotion on her face.

Ayzel was silently dishing the snacks when a devilish idea came into Warda's mind. She whispered into her friend's ear and they all smirked.

"Warda, won't you show us the horses?" her one fried asked dramatically.

"Why not babe?" Warda replied.

Come on Ayzel join us." one girl also invited her.

"NO. I have to go. I have a work to do." Ayzel politely refused. Her heart was alarming her that these girls were not up to any good.

But despite her refusal these girls took her with them.

There were many horses of different breeds. All were unique and beautiful.
Many servants were hired to take care of them.

Ayzel was admiring a light brown horse, meanwhile, Warda and her one friend provoked "Toofan" (storm). Toofan was a black shiny horse and it was specifically Zain's horse. Its anger was the same as its owner's. When the evil girls were doing this, Toofan's caretaker was not present at that time.

"Ayzel come, meet Toofan." On Warda's call, she went to her.

In a few minutes, Toofan started to behave strangely. He was not letting anybody touch him.

"Do you want to ride it?"

Ayzel shook her head.

"Oh come on. Don't be a joy kill. Just only sit on him. Not everyone is lucky like you to have a chance to ride on Toofan." Warda mocked.
Despite her refusal, these girls forced her. They said she only had to sit. Toofan was getting angrier.

"I don't want to sit anymore. Get me down." poor Ayzel cried out.

The cunning Warda broke  Toofan's rope. And now he was completely out of control. He started to run on big ground.

Ayzel was screaming for help, and all the other girls were laughing.

Zain was also coming to the stable with Osama when he heard Ayzel's screams.

They both rushed to the scene.

And rage engulfed Zain.

Without wasting a single minute, he took another horse and went in Ayzel's direction.

Now it was Warda's turn to get scared. She thought Zain was not at home. But now soon he will get to know the truth and she has to face harsh consequences.

"HELP, HELP." Ayzel was screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Ayzel! Calm down, " he shouted from her back.

Now the horse was jumping, he wanted to get rid of Ayzel. This made Ayzel pull his rein more strongly, which made Toofan furious.

Zain came forward, he tried to jump on Toofan, but he had already thrown down Ayzel.

"AYZEL!" Zain stopped instantly. Osama and other workers came too. They began to control horses.
Zain jumped down and rushed to Ayzel.

She was injured. Zain picked her in bridal style.

"Tell your friends to get out of my house. And I will deal with you later," he said loudly in anger to Warda, on the way.

And it was a huge blow to Warda's ego.

Zain carried Ayzel, all the way.

He carefully laid her on the bed. He was anxiously inspecting her. Her left knee and elbow were badly scratched and Few small scratches on her face.

"Ayzel your head, tell me if you are feeling any pain in the head?"

She shook her head. Her face was flushed. She was sobbing.

Zain still checked her head to confirm any injury.

"My whole body is hurting." she cried.

"I have called the doctor. He will check on you." he coaxed her.

"BRING FIRST AID BOX," he shouted to the maid.

She immediately fulfilled his command.

Once the box came, he started treating her wounds. She whimpered in pain when he applied an antiseptic to the wound.

"Just a little patience," he told her in a soft voice. He was also feeling her pain.

"Put your hand on my shoulder." she did as she was told.

Zain continued his work. When he applied the antiseptic again, due to the pain Ayzel dug her nails into his shoulder. Zain did not complain.

She was trying hard to endure pain. Like an expert, he tended to her wounds. His mafia world has already taught him these skills. Many times he cured his wounds alone.

"Ayzel how did you end up riding the horse?" he asked in concern. Then she narrated the whole story.

Soon the doctor came, and he also checked on Ayzel. Ayzel was afraid of the injection. But it was necessary for now. Zain also coaxed her into this.

The doctor prescribed some medicines.

"Let her take rest. She might get a fever. Some injuries will appear tomorrow. If she does not feel well in two days or feels any sharp pain. Immediately contact me." the doctor advised.

"Thank you, Doctor," Zain said. Then the doctor took his leave.

After making sure that Ayzel was asleep, he went out of her room.

Now his anger resurfaced. He still has to punish the culprit.

Goosebumps! How Zain is going to punish her beloved sister?

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