29. Challange

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Jimin felt a little embarrassed being asked that. It felt like he had brought his 'boyfriend' home to meet with his parents while wearing matching outfits. Even if he tried not to care, he still cared.

Jimin kept quiet. Taehyung was the one who replied in his stead, "Minnie told me that you've known each other for a long time. Since he's also my friend, he came together with me."

Minnie! Friend!!

Jungkook exploded like a firework. He stared at Jimin, his thin lips slightly curved. It was obvious that a furious storm was brewing inside his heart.

It was the first time Jimin had ever heard Taehyung called him by that nickname......

Um, t-th-thi-this is really too embarrassing!!

But now wasn't the time for him to think about this. He had to calm Jungkook down first.

Jungkook was definitely bursting with rage. Jimin understood, understood really well, because Haan Woo also flew into a rage when he thought that Jimin had liked Taehyung.

Putting himself in Jungkook's shoes, Jimin felt that Jungkook's outrage was for no other reason than him feeling very dissatisfied for having the truth concealed from him. If one of them was going to suddenly get married one day without telling Jimin first, he would definitely flare up right where he was.

Jimin finally opened his mouth and said, "Let's go inside."

The three of them brought their assistants along respectively. If all of them were to go in at once, it was going to cause a congestion!

Go inside? Jungkook would rather grab a knife to cut people down!

Fortunately, someone arrived. It was Director César. He was a middle-aged man with a long beard, a little stout, but he looked very friendly. He laughed cheerfully and said, "You've arrived, huh? It seems that I'm late."

Taehyung responded, "We've just arrived, too."

The moment César saw Jimin, his eyes brightened up and said, "This is...?"

Taehyung introduced them to each other. Then, César asked with a suave voice, "Are you two......?"

Taehyung just gave him a cryptic smile. He looked at Jimin whose gaze was as if he was drowning and became aware that Jimin was very embarrassed, so he said considerately, "Let's go inside first."

Jungkook, "!!!"

He was almost fucking blinded!

But Jungkook somehow endured. Even though he had an irascible temper, he wasn't a 17- or 18-year-old teenager anymore, he wouldn't snap just because he was irritated. Although his heart was dripping with blood right now, he could handle it. He didn't show what he was feeling, just a cold face.

There weren't many people in the party, but they were familiar with Taehyung as well as Jungkook.

These two had probably known each other before as friends of a friend. They did have contact with each other, but they had no deeper friendship.

They had a mutual understanding, none of them were making things difficult for Jimin.

Taehyung didn't make any 'public display of affection' in front these many people. Jungkook also wouldn't question Jimin in this kind of place.

Jimin felt quite at ease. The people here had EQ of one hundred and eighty. It didn't matter whatever Jimin's status might be, they were very polite and considerate to him just by looking from the way he and Taehyung dressed.

Taehyung didn't show it openly, but it could be seen through small details that he absolutely cared for Jimin.

It seemed that he had always been on the look out for Jimin: when Jimin's sight darted here and there, he immediately knew that Jimin was looking for black pepper sauce, thus he passed it to his reach.

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