52, cheating couple

111 26 2

Jimin is being intimate with another man on the elevator!

Shijin felt like there was a buzz in his head and he immediately thought that Jimin had betrayed Haan Woo.

If it were his old self, he would probably have rushed up to them and beat the crap out of this 'cheating couple', but now he only tightly clenched his fists and stood in place.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Taehyung let go of Jimin's hand. Jimin's cheeks were slightly red as he averted his gaze.

They weren't holding hands anymore nor were they doing anything more, but anyone who saw how they were acting right now would be able to sense the atmosphere between them; it had a hint of passionate love.

Shijin wasn't ruffled. He followed his business partner into the restaurant.

Interestingly, their seats weren't that far apart. Even though they were separated by flower shrubs, Shijin could still catch sight of the couple if he wanted to.

Shijin was watching Jimin, but Jimin didn't know that Shijin was there at all.

Our Brother Jimin wasn't a cautious person even when he wasn't in love. Now that his mind and eyes were completely filled with Taehyung, he really couldn't see everything else anymore.

Because it was a public place, they didn't do anything which would cross the line. They were just eating properly.

Shijin on the other hand, had noticed too many details instead.

The atmosphere between those in love as compared to ordinary friends was just too different.

The expressions in each other's eyes, their lips which couldn't help but have a glimmer of smile, and that sweetness which they assumed had been concealed very well but had been undoubtedly exposed instead...

Jimin tried his best to keep calm and normal. Of course, it wasn't because of Shijin. He was simply worried because this was a public place, he didn't want to inconvenience Taehyung.

But with his acting skills that the entertainment circle recognized as -100, it was okay if he wasn't pretending, but when he did, it was awfully fake.

Jimin acting this way made Tae feel that his big darling was extremely adorable instead. Movie King Tae could pretend well at first, but it was revealed bit by bit because he couldn't hold it in.

Thus, what fell into Shijin's eyes was: 'This cheating couple is trying to deceive the public, but everyone could definitely see and understand what's going on between the two of them!'

While Jimin and Taehyung were savoring the sweetness, Shijin had no idea of whatever he was eating and what the hell his partner had said instead.

When they had finished their meal, Jimin and Taehyung got up and left.

Shijin almost stood up in a rustle.

The middle-aged Mediterranean man who sat in front of him was startled. "President?"

Shijin said with a gloomy face, "Please enjoy your meal, President Wang. I have a matter to attend to, so I'm leaving first."

President Wang was confused: 'I've never heard about Shijin getting a girlfriend, so why did he look like he had been cuckolded and was about to catch adultery in the act???'

Shijin took the other elevator and went to the basement parking.

As soon as he arrived, he was so angry he clenched his fists.

They are freaking kissing again!

Jimin looked cute, but who would have thought that he was such a scum!

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