𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲

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Chapter Nine: Sweet Welcome


THE BESPECTACLED young woman sat, looking at the doorway with a dumbfounded expression. 'You've got to be kidding me,' she began as she watched a bunch of familiar idiots stumble their way past Class 2-2. She was already having second-hand embarrassment just by watching the duo pass the room. Students from her class wondered who they were and why they were acting so bizarre.

What were they doing if you may ask? Nendou somehow got her hands on a loud Toritsuka after telling her that she'll teach her how to get the guys the right way. "See here grape head, with a face like mine, I can get all of the men! I can even show you how," Nendou grinned, giving the shorter girls a thumbs up. This earned a look of disbelief from Kaidou and Toritsuka, horrified at Nendou's unbelievable claim.

"How about you try and look at a mirror first, dunce face!" Kaidou cried out, disagreeing with the tall and confident woman. "You look like a delinquent! You scare people!" Toritsuka shivered, pointing a shaky hand towards the clueless giant in front of them. Silently, Y/n agreed with the two but Nendou didn't seem to care about their words no matter how they tried to argue with her. 

"Haha, how about you have faith in me? I know what I'm saying," Nendou smirked just by that expression, students that were passing by them squeaked in fear while others dashed away from her. 'Idiots, of all places they've decided to loiter, it had to be in front of my classroom.' Despite her blank expression, she was quite bothered by the familiar trio standing by their room.

'Who are those weirdos?' A student wondered, giving Nendou, Toritsuka and Kaidou a stink eye. 'I would be embarrassed if they were my friend,' Another commented, snickering at the scene. "Oh well, I have enough of you weirdos. I'm heading back to the classroom, if anyone wants to know their spirit guardian then you'll know where to find me," Toritsuka grinned before walking away from them. 'You're a weirdo yourself,' Y/n deadpanned at her internally.

On the bright side, no one knew that Saiki was acquainted with them. "Oh! Hello there, Pal!" Nendou practically screamed while she turned to the (h/c)-haired psychic. 'And I spoke too soon,' Saiki didn't budge from her seat and snapped her head to face the window beside her. Why does everything go exactly the way she dislikes it? She could feel their presence getting closer before she noticed a hand waving in front of her face.

"You alright there Pal? You sure you ain't feeling constipated again?" Nendou began asking her which earned the psychic's attention. "I was never constipated to begin with," She responded with an unfazed expression, Nendou's mind was an unsolved mystery she has yet to study. No matter how much she hates being unable to read it, she was also glad that she didn't have to deal with it knowing how bizarre her actions could be.

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