Chapter 13 {UNEDITED}

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I, Diana Verlé, was never liked by my family, and I knew that from a young age.

My mother died giving birth to me, and my siblings blame me for that. I didn't believe them at first, even trying to deny such accusations. But there was only so much my persistence could take me, and eventually, I despaired in their words.

However, my father loved me dearly, even when I was the cause of his significant other's death, and declared me next in line for marchioness. I never wanted such responsibility, but after much deliberation from him, I accepted the role. This only grew more ire from my siblings, and increased their verbal abuse towards me.

My only sense of comfort was the garden in our home. My mother took care of it when she was still here. On what I have heard from my father, she was a wonderful person. I knew that if my mother was alive, I would be as happy as ever.

I decided to follow in her footsteps, and take care of the garden as well. I also took a weird array of hobbies, as I believed my mother would enjoy such activities.

My siblings however, disapproved of my choices. What is more shocking, even my father had been rather displeased with my interests as well. I just wanted someone to enjoy what I loved. Was that so hard to do?

Whenever there were any events at our house, I would just hide in the garden and stay there for majority of the duration. Call it avoiding interaction if you will, but I prefer to stay in my place of peace.

Today would be my father's birthday. As always, I went to my usual spot in the garden after giving my greetings. I was sitting on a bench, admiring my mother's work. I then heard footsteps, expecting it to be my father's. But, I was surprised when I heard a female's voice.

"Excuse me, and my apologies for my ignorance, but are you 3rd daughter of the Marquess, Diana Verlé?" The girl asks. Wait- is she the Grand Duke's daughter?!

"I..... I am. C-correct me if I'm wrong, but are you Willow Von Everett...?"

"Yes, that is right. If I may ask, what you are doing here?" She asked curiously.

"I'm not... the best, at interacting with people. Usually, I spend my time here during events." I admit.

"Ah.... I see. Well, I would like to mention that the garden you have here is beautiful." She compliments. Does she truly find the garden beautiful?

"You.. think so?"

"Yes, I do." She replied. I can't find a hint of falsehood in her eyes. She really finds the garden..... beautiful. My mother's efforts, beautiful.

"Well... I am the one who is taking care of this garden." Since she likes the garden, maybe she would have asked who is taking care of it.

"It's very pretty, Miss Diana. I am sure gardening is a hobby you enjoy." She said.

"Y-yes, Miss Willow. It is one of my favorite hobbies. Although, my family says otherwise.." I say, thinking back to my siblings' and father's words.

"Well, no matter what they say, I believe what you are doing is truly amazing. Keep striving for your goals, I am sure you will find people who appreciate your interests like I do."

What..? She appreciates my hobbies? She even said what I'm doing is amazing, and that I should continue it. She truly is as kindhearted as they say.

"R-really?" I ask. I wanted to make sure my assumptions were correct.

"I believe so, Miss Diana. Anyway, I really must leave. My brother and my escort are waiting for me. If you would like, may I invite you to my estate for a tea party some time?" She asked. She even went as far as to invite me.

"Y-yes, of course Miss Willow!"

"Thank you. Please, take care!" She said as she left. That ended our first interaction. On that very day, I cried. Not out of sadness or despair. But, out of happiness. This was the first I cried in joy. What I've been asking for all this time, had finally been given to me.

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