Chapter 23 {EDITED}

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"You're also coming with us, Michael?" I wondered, turning to the boy in question. Kian, Michael and I were currently inside the carriage's cabin, heading to who-knows-where.

As usual, Kian and Michael sat together, whereas I sat alone across them.

"Yes, I am. As your personal knight, I--"

"Wait, you've been appointed as my personal knight?!" I swiftly interrupted Michael as I looked at him in utter shock.

"You... you didn't know?" He stared at me, seemingly confused, "I told master Kian to tell you about it."

"What? My brother didn't tell me anything..." Saying that, we both turned to my brother, who now had a troubled expression on his face.

"...I-I wasn't informed about that, Michael." Kian stuttered, blatantly glancing sideways. I could feel my face morph into one of disappointment from his lackluster acting.

Lies. His drops of cold sweat, along with his shaky breath said otherwise.

"S-speaking of which, sister, do you have--"

"You're not getting out of this, Kian." Both Michael and I declared at the same time as we stared at him expectantly. Just what was he trying to pull with this...?

"Fine... I'm sorry, Willow." Kian murmured under his breath, and I glanced at him while raising an eyebrow.

"...Apologize to Michael as well."

"B-but... it's his fault!" My brother protested, pointing at Michael accusingly. It was clear he was trying to find excuses not to apologize.

I knew that Kian and Michael often quarreled, but this...

I wasn't aware that I started a bullfight.

Michael, seemingly being falsely unjustified, retorted back loudly, "What are you talking about?! You lied to me about how she hated roses!! She loves them!"


"I was... I was just jealous! I didn't want you to know what flowers she liked!!"

It's so loud.

"That's not--"

"Will you both shut up?!" I yelled out as I sharply glared at the both of them. I was probably louder than they both were when bickering, but this entire situation, adding to the socializing duties I'd been assigned, really hadn't put me in a good mood.


My anger had reached its boiling point, as everyone in the cabin turned silent.

"Save your quarreling for another time. If it's so important that you have to disturb everyone around you, at least keep your voices down." I huffed, crossing my arms. Both Kian and Michael quietly stared down at the floor, giving me peace of mind.

It seems I went a little too far... I'll make it up to them later, when they're more at ease.


"This is Rhion Atlee, the dukedom's medic. He's a member of the Atlee ducal family, known for their healing skills and abilities." My father explained, gesturing to the man in topic.

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