Chapter 18 {EDITED}

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"Good morning, I am Willow Von Everett, daughter of the grand duke. It is an honour to meet you."

I gracefully bowed, introducing myself to the fourth capture target. His jet black hair swayed as he bowed with his violet irises closed.

"Likewise, miss Willow. My name is Elliot Alpin, the son of chancellor Alpin. I thank you for coming to this small 'tea party' today."

However eloquent his words were, it was clear he was lying thanks to the information floods I get.

Even if I didn't know the source of this information or of it's disadvantage, one thing I could be sure of was its credibility.

Though, I wonder why we're at the garden, of all places.

"....." Kian and Michael both stared at him threateningly, though master Elliot seemed unfazed. They haven't even bothered giving their curtsies yet.

However, his twitching face revealed his awkwardness, and I quickly stepped in to stop their ridiculousness.

"Come to think of it, I'm sure you have other guests to attend to, master Elliot."

"...Yes, that is true." He muttered after a long pause, and I continued my words.

"As the host of this event, we wouldn't want to bother you with our prolonged stay, so we shall kindly take our leave. Isn't that right, you two...?"

"Y-yes, sister."

"Of c-course, miss Willow."

"Well then, thank you for your time. If you'd excuse us, please." I spoke, forcefully pushing the two away from the fourth capture target.

Once they were far enough, I whispered in his ear, "I apologize on their behalf for the disrespect they've shown you. I promise they're good people."

Glancing back, I noticed other guests entering, so I decided to finish my words, "I promise I'll compensate you for this, so you may send a letter to the grand duchy for whatever you wish as long as it's within my power, alright?"


"Take care, master Elliot!" With that, I entered the manor's greenhouse which was adorned with seating arrangements.

I quickly occupied an empty table with Kian and Michael, whom I had dragged and ushered to sit down.


"So, was that your plan...? That conversation for only men?" I confronted them, my mood dampening by the minute from their audaciousness.

"We're sorry, miss Willow...!!" Michael apologized. I stared at them in disbelief, appalled by their lack of shame.

"You two just..." ...disrespected the chancellor's only son!! I groaned, inwardly sighing from the potential outcome that situation could've led to.

"Sister, could you forgive us, just this once...?" My older brother pleaded, trying to sway me with an adorable face.

That won't work on an adult's soul, Kian.

"Kian, Michael... did you know about the recent law that was enacted?"

Michael, who was eager to shift the topic, asked, "What is it, miss Willow?"

"It states that if one disrespects the sons of nobility, it would immediately lead to execution."

Hearing this, they both gasped at the mention of death.

"However, one can admit to guilt, and state that they coerced the involved parties to do the same.... and you know how much I care for you both, right?"

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