Chapter 23

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"What?!" I blurted out.

"I said what I said. Well, your answer?" The great mage raised his eyebrow at me.

"If.... that's alright with you-"

"Then it's decided! You'll be coming with me." He declared, surprising the people in the vicinity.

"Hey! Don't take her away!!"

"Don't worry. It's only for 2 months. You'll probably come after me if she came back any later than that." He said, cutting off Alan.

"You. You're Kian, right?" He asked, pointing at my brother.

"Yes... why do you ask?"

"Alright. Make sure to inform Leo and Vanessa on this. We're off!" With one fell swoop, I was carried bridal style.

"W-what the?! Put me down this instant!!" I yelled out. All the boys who witnessed this mishap were tinged with red one way or another.

"No can do, Miss Willow." He roared with laughter at his audaciousness. Ugh, the gall of this 'great mage' is preposterous!!

"You heard her!! Put my sister down!" Kian exclaimed.

"I just said I that can't do so, Master Kian. Well... it looks like you'll leave without farewells, my dear disciple." He said. With that, there was a blue mist surrounding us.

"W-what's happening?!" I panicked. I started feeling dizzy, and my vision was blurring rapidly. I could barely hear my friends' voices as they gradually faded.

"Huh... you've never experienced teleportation yet, have you?" He asked as if wondering.

"Well, wasn't that obvious?!" I sarcastically replied. I was never exposed to magic before, and I never knew there was teleportation magic in this world.

Once the blue mist dissipated, an unfamiliar place was brought into view. We were surrounded by cobblestone walls and brick floors. The place was fully furnished, as if it were a home.

"Welcome to my humble abode, great student!" He smiled at me as he put me down.

"So... this is your home?" I ask as he nodded in response. Just then, I coughed out blood. My body toppled over, bringing me to one knee as I was holding my chest from the pain.

"Miss Willow, are you alright?!-" Those were the last words I heard before I promptly blacked out.


"..Ngh......." I roughly sat up as I massaged my temples. This piercing light is killing me...

"Oh, you're awake." A blurred figure with a familiar voice said.

"Great mage? Is that you..?" He nodded in response. My vision slowly cleared up. He was sitting on a chair, seemingly having just woken up as well.

"What happened to me, exactly?" I asked.

"Well... you fainted shortly after I teleported us. Simply put, you had a mana overexposure." I tilted my head at his words.

Changing the Envious Villainess's Fate!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα