Chapter 33

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The affinity checking ceremony. A day everyone looks forward to. The hope in their eyes of getting an affinity irked me to no end.

People would be boasting about their newfound powers and how special they were for having them. They would be wallowing themselves in pride by preying on the weak.

This would be the day the status of people would be defined. The hierarchy in power is set and decided.

Coincidentally, today would be that special day. I, Lukas Zacharia, will be attending the affinity checking ceremony.

It was of no thought that I would obtain an affinity. Both my parents and older brother have one, which would make it questionable if I did not.

Unless by the slim chance of unfortunate circumstances this happens, I'm guaranteed to have an affinity.

If I were myself back then, my biggest wish would be not to obtain an affinity, which is ironic in its own right.

Why would I want something unfavorable in my part? Because I'd less grow bored.

The world is simple and easy to understand. I can only view it as a dull, gray world. I'd play around with a sword, and I'd be lauded as a prodigy of combat. If you give people what they want, they'll be satisfied, and greed will drive them wanting more.

Eventually, it would lead to the point where they'll crawl to you in their desperation, begging you for even just an ounce of what they desire. It was amusing to see them in such pitiful states.

"Second Prince Lukas, the carriage is ready." My personal butler, Hondeth, informed me. I nodded and followed him to the gates.

The venue of the ceremony is at the Royal Church, where the believers of the "Holy Light" reside.

The "Holy Light" revolves around the divine goddess, Lilith. Although much details aren't revealed, Lilith is said to be the most attractive beauty in the world. She is also said to be the most powerful as well, possessing all affinities and having very high magic fundamental rates.

Such a far cry from the limits of a human being. The religion is a peculiar one, indeed. Though, it is the most popular in the kingdom.

I boarded the carriage and looked outside blankly, predicting the outcome of the events.


"Greetings to the Second Prince of the kingdom, Prince Lukas Zacharia." Kian Von Everett, the older brother of my soon-to-be fiancée, greeted me in a slightly sarcastic tone. It wasn't obvious, but it wasn't unnoticeable either.

"Greetings to my brother-in-law, Kian Von Everett." I replied in a similar tone, adding in a smile hinted with malice for good measure.

"You.....!-" He was about to say something, but I purposely walked past him, just to annoy him a little more. His reactions to my words were amusing, truly.

I apporached my other childhood friend, Elliot Alpin, eldest son of the chancellor.

"Good morning, Master Elliot." I said. His eyes slightly widened in surprise, but he quickly returned the formalities.

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