Chapter 8 {EDITED}

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I woke up groggily to find myself laying down on my bed. Huh....? I wonder what happened that night after the break-in.

Seeing that my room was in good condition, I'd assumed they'd already taken care of the assassins. But, seriously...

How were the hundreds of guards recruited and trained so lax in protecting the duchy? If I was just one of the many children who didn't know basic self-defense, who knows what would've happened.

No... that's more than questionable. There are atleast a few guards stationed near my room, and some are outside the estate. How could it be that two sneaked by completely unnoticed? Unless.....

There's an insider....!!-

In my thoughts, I heard a tray falling down, the sound of porcelain cracking following after. What was that?!

I instinctively turned to the door to find Anna, my personal maid and nanny, staring at me, mouth agape.

"The.... the young miss is awake!!"


"Young miss, I'd like to apologize for my gaucheness earlier...." Anna murmured, obviously regretting her lack of grace.

I replied with a small smile on my face for assurance, "It's alright, nanny."

Out of the blue, she commented, slight worry laced in her voice, "You know, young miss, a lot of people were worried about you."

".....Really?" I pondered, staring at her in doubt. That's very unlikely...

Suddenly, a familiar figure entered my room, slamming the door in the process.

"Willow!!" My mother exclaimed loudly, causing me to wince from the noise. I expected her to visit after I awoke, but not this early....

I pretended to be surprised by her arrival as I said, preparing to stand and greet her properly, "Ah! Good morning, mother."

"You, you're alright...." She murmured, staring at me as if relieved. Her unusual response made me stop in my tracks. That's a strange reaction....

"Yes, mother. I'm--" Interrupting my reply, my mother suddenly hugged me, cradling my head with her arms as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Mother...?" I murmured in concern. Shortly after, I felt my nightgown grow damp where her head laid. Is she...?

"I.... was... so worried..... about you!" My mother cried out, sniffles and sobs heard in between her words. She.... was worried, about me?

No, why did I ask such an obvious question? It's a given that they'll love their daughter, Willow Von Everett.

....Just like in the game.

After a while of my mother's crying, and my constant pats on her back, I finally replied, "I'm..... doing better now, mother."

"Dear, Willow.... are you truly fine?" She asked me as she glanced at me worriedly. I gave her my usual smile as I spoke.

"Yes, I am. Don't worry yourself so much."

"How could I not when you were unconscious for four days?!!" She yelled out worriedly, and I grew wide-eyed. I was out for four days?!

Changing the Envious Villainess's Fate!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ