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Today is the last day of my neco exams and we are writing mathematics today my best subject, yesterday I did not sleep well because I want to pass mathematics very well. This morning I woke up with headache and abnormal pain, if not for the exams I would have stayed at home cause am not feeling well. I prayed two raka'at before I prayed Fajr cause it's sunnah, then I recite the holy Quran and I stopped by 7, then I did my daily routine (precisely skin care routine) and took my bath and started getting dressed for school.

I was feeling uneasy cause my stomach pains alot which off course I know it's menstrual pain (off course a monthly routine for me menstrual cramps and massive headaches), i managed to dress up into my uniform which is white long sleeves and  a navy blue knee-length skirt with maroon tie and navy blue scarf (well the scarf is optional and I choose to be modest). I wore my white socks and my black shoes and carried my back and off course my wrist watch ( I know you will be wondering why I have to dress completely because it's the last day of exams, I'm a dress complete student and moreover today is the last day am wearing this uniform) , I checked the time and it's already 7:20 and the exams is by 8 o'clock. I rushed to the dinning and I met my mom and siblings having their breakfast, my mom is going to work and my siblings and I are heading to school, I rushed my breakfast and off course my mom is complaining (also a daily routine) saying that I know I have exams and I intentionally didn't wake up early and now am rushing, I kept quiet and continued eating cause I know even if I explained to her what happened she won't believe me.

We finished breakfast and headed to dad's side and greeted him then we headed to the car and our driver drove off (and yeah my mother always drives herself to work), they dropped me at the gate of my school and I entered while checking the time, it is already 8:50 knowing that if I add another 5 minute without me being sitted in the hall Mr Jide, our exams officer won't let me in, so I started running and alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah) I entered before him.
We started writing our exams and like always I did what I can and finished 45 minutes early, so I decided to sleep for 15 minutes cause I know they won't let me out now cause it's a rule that nobody should be allowed to go out of the hall 45 minutes before the exams finished. So I put my head on the desk and started sleeping then I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and I started shaking and this draws the attention of Mrs Amina our school supervisor towards me. She came to where I was sitted and asked me what's wrong and I told her it's stomach pains and I have medication inside my bag and I told her I've already finished writing the paper.
She collected it and I signed out of the hall as usual ( last to come but first to be out). I carried my bag from my school locker and started checking for my medications and I remembered that I left it on my dresser, at that point the pain is unbearable so I decided to rush to the school pharmacy to check if they have the medicine their, but unfortunately they don't have and I know that no medicine will work for me unless the usual one I take every month and even the usual one, if I did not take it in the first 30 minutes of the pain it won't work, so the last option is to get to the hospital and get injection.

I started thinking of the way to reach the hospital cause I know that mallam sani will come by one and i can't wait for two hours unless I want to die. While I was still thinking leaning on my locker I saw the principal Mr khalid heading out with the vice principal which is his wife Mrs Firdaus, so I ran to meet her cause she's Aunty Asiy's friend, I greeted her and ask her if they could drop me at the hospital and she agreed and told her husband at that point I can't even stand straight, so she held me and took me towards the car. They drop me at the hospital and fortunately I meet my doctor outside and she assist me to her office and gave me the injection I needed and she warned me never to leave my medicine at home again, then the next minute I zoom off cause the injection have side effects, which is dizziness and instant sleep.

I woke up around 1pm and headed to the bathroom cause I was expecting my period and it came, so I did the
nesessary thing and I came out and meet Dr Farha inside the office and she bought me food from the restaurant near the hospital, I collected the food and thank her then I sat  and started eating the food cause am very hungry. I finished eating the food and went towards the dispenser to get water ( I know you will be thinking why am so close to the doctor well Dr Farha or rather aunty Farha is my aunty i.e my uncle's wife, my father's younger brother ).

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