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Affy's POV
I was deep into my sleep when I heard my phone ringing, it was very annoying cause the sound is interrupting my beauty sleep or more preferable anger sleep. I ignored the phone and continue sleeping, but the devil of a phone kept ringing. I carried the phone to check who's calling and I saw a new number, hhh who's this unfortunate person that want to break my phone with calls , I was about to off the phone when the person called again. I picked up the phone ,

Assalam alaikum, I said.

Hello aunty cutey, I heard a child's voice, then I recall the voice it's baby zarah.

Oh my goodness, is this baby zarah, I said excitedly.

Yes aunty cutey, zarah Said.

How are you princess, I said.

I'm fine but I miss you aunty cutey, zarah said.

I miss you too sweetie, I said.

Here's daddy, she said.

Assalam alaikum, I heard Mr handsome voice.

Wa alaikum salaam, ina yini ( good afternoon), I said.

Lafiya kalau, ya school, he said.

Alhamdulillah, I said.

Aunty I went to school today, I heard zarah's voice.

Oh princess, I forgot to ask you how's school, did you enjoy it.

No Aunty, school was horrible, I hate school, zarah said.

Don't say that princess, I know it's not the school that you don't like is the people in it, I said.

Yes aunty, it's way too crowdy, zarah said.

Is today your first day in school , I asked.

Yes, zarah Said.

Wow, so you weren't admitted to school until today.

Aunty I was home schooling back in America and when we came back to Nigeria, daddy said I have to join school, she said sadly.

Ohh my little princess, daddy wants the best for you , so be a good girl and don't hate school, hope nobody is bullying my baby, I Said.

Yes aunty,  bye daddy wants his phone back,she said.

Okay bye baby, love you, I said and ended the call.

I felt more better right now after having this phone call, I'm getting attached to someone's daughter, I said to myself laughing ( then I realised that am talking to myself).
I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to talk a shower. I got ready and prayed then I exist the room because it was already late around 4pm and I know that ya Maryam and Amra are in the kitchen. I went inside the kitchen smiling and I greeted ya Maryam.

Where's Amra ya Maryam, I said.

She's in her room, she said.

I went to her room (Amra have a room in ya Maryam's house, spec of having a married sister) and I met her sleeping on top of her praying mat and I knew that she zoomed off immediately after praying.

Sleeping beauty wake up,I said touching her.

Ummhmm, she said while sleeping.

Get up , or are you waiting for prince charming to come and wake you up, I said while laughing.

Yes , if not the curse will not be lifted, she said dramatically.

Wake up, I shouted closing my ears.

Affy do you want to make us deaf, she said while getting up.

No don't wake up , let me shout again, I was about to shout when she came towards me and said sorry affy, I don't want to be deaf  before been kissed by prince charming, she said.

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