The Beginning of Rivalry

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I sat on my bed with my phone chatting with my squad members Amrah and Fanna, we were talking about our rivals Nana, Laila and Ameena ( I know you might be thinking of why we carry their matter for our head) ,offcourse we envy them I meant we envy each other.

It was Aunty asiya's wedding preparations and that time I was her personal assistant,we were always seen together most of the time,we went for her fittings together, shopping, event planning, tasting of cake and even shared asoebi together cause that time she was living in our house,she was in her final year in the university and her wedding is two weeks after her graduation so it was a busy time for her and I was in jss 3 by that time and we were on holiday (well she was schooling in Base university and she moved to Abuja to stay with us) .

So on one Friday evening Uncle Ahmed called her and informed her that he's mother wishes to see her tomorrow and that he will be at our house by 2pm tomorrow to pick her up if she's okay with it. So throughout that night aunty asiy was nervous she started saying things like would see like me, which cloth should I wear tomorrow blah blah blah,she was like nervous to the core . So in the morning she told my mother and my mother saw that she was nervous So she claim her down and assure her that everything will be fine and that she can take me with her if she's so scared (ofcourse am her saviour) so she called uncle Ahmed and ask him if it's okay to bring me and he approve ,so by 1pm we were ready and waiting for him ,by 2pm he called and inform her that he's waiting outside so I hold her bag and we headed to the car upon reaching the car , we noticed that he's not the only one in the car he was with a girl my age, he came out of the car and welcome us but the girl was still in the car and pretend as if she didn't see us. Uncle Ahmed opened the backseat for aunty asiy and she entered calmly without hesitation while I was hesitating to enter the car or not, I was just looking at them after looking at them for 2 minutes I entered the car and greeted uncle Ahmed and I pretend not to see the girl too, (maybe she's waiting for me to speak to her first , hell no my level of pride is higher than she taught) .
Uncle Ahmed said baby affy am sure you've not met my cousin Layla, I just said ohh and kept quiet, through out the ride we remained silent except for uncle Ahmed and his so called cousin ( it seems like she can't keep her mouth shut for a minute or she's doing it on purpose).
When we arrived at the house Layla went out and headed to the house, uncle Ahmed came down and opened the door for aunty asiy and we stepped out of the car and headed inside their mansion . When we reached the entrance door I noticed that aunty asiy was so nervous So I held her hand and we went inside.
As we are about to enter, we met Layla and two other girls, uncle Ahmed and Aunty asiy entered the parlour and I was about to enter when someone hold me back, I turned to see who hold me back ofcourse it was Layla.
I paused for a minute trying to figure out why they held me back, then one of the girl which is Nana said to me that:
Tell your aunt to stay off my brother, I was like is she talking to me, then the other girl which is Ameena said that: aren't you hearing what she said, I was like this girls don't know what they are signing for am loosing my patience, or are you deaf are you've suddenly turned silent lay Layla said,( this is it I can't take it, but I managed to keep silent and I pass them . I was about to enter the parlour when Nana block the entrance door and she said: are we not talking to you or your parents don't teach you manners, ask her ooo I was about asking the same question, said Ameena.( This is it I've loose it my parents nooo I don't joke with them) .
Listen Layla said, uncle Ahmed is going to marry my sister whether you like it or not so tell your Witch of a sister or Aunty to stop following him around like a tail, exactly they all say.(Well it's my turn) I turned to Nana and I said, go tell that to your brother, tell him to stop following my Aunty around and you can even advice him not to marry her ,I don't care cause your brother is not the only man in this world and again my parents aren't your mate so next time don't try insulting them , and to you I turned to Layla, you see the difference between my aunt and your sister is your sister is begging for love from uncle Ahmed andy aunt did not beg him to Love her so go tell your sister to stop chasing what is not hers she should wait for her own or rather look for her own by herself and to you I turned to ameena silent is the best answers given to fools and I can see right now that you'll have lost your manners,birds of the same features, so if you can excuse me my aunt is waiting for me inside.

I passed them and I entered the parlour, so the rest of the visit is full of happy faces and I did not see the witches again (that's the name I gave them)

That was the beginning of our rivalry.
Then our second encounter on the day of the dinner.

The dinner was about to be over and me, amna and feena were sitting on a table at the back of the Hall cause we were so tired after dancing and walking around for hours when suddenly I saw the witches coming towards us I signal Amna and feena to look up the witches are approaching us , they came to our table and sat down cause it was a table of six (I was like what are they looking for,we pretend as if we did not see them) we continue gisting within the three of us, they got tired then Layla said a proverb in Hausa " talaka Idan ya Samu guri Sai tafi Mai kudin ma shanawa" ( in my mind I was like who is she talking to) then Nana said brunch on gold diggers.
"Ina kudin yake fa za a che a nan" Amna said

Or rather were is the gold that we will dig, feena said.

"Ai munfi karfin a che mana talaka, Ameena said.

" Toh ina duk abun nan Dan Anki auren Yar masu wajan da Ake digging din gold be, amna said.

"Kya game mana amny ( we usually call her many), feena Said.

Well I can see that your family is full of gold diggers and your parents do not train you well, I don't even have your time, Layla said and started working.

Come back here Amna draw her back with force, you must have our time, cause you started it, Amna said.

And you can't just throw a question and live without getting your answer, feena said.

Listen and listen very careful the three of you, don't you ever in your life think of bringing my family into your shit andy family is full of gold diggers why did your brother choose to get married
Into a family of gold diggers and lastly before we live you go back home and learn some manners then come back and talk to is, I said and we walk out on them living them shocked.

So that what leads to our rivalry and competition. I kept my phone on my dresser and I went downstairs to take my dinner cause I left aunty Afra's house through the back door and I ran home cause am allergic to guests . I ate my food and came back to my room and switch off my phone cause I know aunty afra will look for me, I pray isha and took my bath then slept off .

Hi everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter,well it is my first book of wattpad and it is not edited ✍️✍️, so pls manage. With love♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️.

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