Chapter 2

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I groan lightly trying to adjust myself and my sight because I still saw blur even after seemingly waking up.

I'm lying on a hard surface, it's cold and smells like blood and dirt, the whole surrounding is eerily scary and quiet, my sight adjusts to the darkness, mildly, I try to move and I realized I'm tied, my hands behind my back but my legs are not.

I gently sit up, the whole room starts spinning and I feel sick to my stomach, I feel like I'm going to throw up any minute from now, memories from before I passed out starts rushing in.

I remember the mansion being under attack and then someone breaking into my room and me trying to fight back before I was drugged, I look around and I'm in some kind of basement.

My skin begins to crawl, I feel eyes on me but the room is too dark to even make out anything, I squint to get a clear vision and then I see shoes in the far end of the room, brown male shoes, whoever has them on is sitting down.

I move away quickly but that's a bad idea because my whole body is on fire.
"I thought you'd be out cold for the rest of the evening" the voice booms making me look up to find the strange shoes person having the voice

His voice sounds unfamiliar and his accent is different from all the ones I've come to get used to, he's not Italian, I know that for sure

"Who are you"? I squeak out barely a whisper, my throat is parched and I'm thirsty.

"That's not of great importance right now" he voices out his thick accent rolling off his tongue, he gets up and walks towards me which allows me to take in his full appearance.

He's rather tall, with dark long hair, his eyes are sharp Hazel, his face as hard as a rock, he has a small beard just below his face, he looks terrifying I must say.

He stops in front of me and bends down so he's eye level with me, I move back on instinct, he puts his hand on his ear and speak in an unfamiliar language, he nods and answers like he's taking orders, all the while his eyes are trained on me.

"The boss will see you now" he mutters before standing up, I thought he'd take me out of her to go see his boss, whoever it is but now, he just takes two steps away from me still leaving me there.

From his accent, language and face I can tell he's Russian, which only means one thing, The Russians have me.

Which in turns means I'm miles away from home, From Cara, I start panicking.
How will they find me?
I'm probably going to die before they do, the Russians are merciless and if there's anything they don't possess, it's compassion.

I'm still thinking about my fate when I hear heavy footsteps, followed by opening of the door to wherever the fuck I am.

The moment the person steps in, the air around me shifts, even the man from before becomes still and poise, the whole atmosphere changes.

Whoever it is that just walked inside this room, holds a whole lot of power, even the way he walks screams authority, I've not seen his face yet because he's still in the shadows but I feel the chills all over my body.

"I must say... It was very easy getting you here" even his voice is nothing compared to what I've been hearing all my life, it has this strong authority to it, it's hard, gruff, husky and terrifying all together, I feel my skin crawl with goosebumps

I don't miss the accent to which his voice is laced.
"For someone so protected, you were easy prey to my men" he continues walking around me not letting me see his face.

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