Chapter 7

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I'm awoken by cold water being poured on my body, I suck in a breath in the process taking in some water through my nose.
I don't feel so good, my vision quickly clears and I come face to face with Vissarion and of course my tormentor, Dimitri standing in front of me.

"Waike waike ПРИНЦЕССА" he said snapping his fingers in front of me, I just groan out and let my head almost fall back

I must have passed out from too much bleeding, the blood had stopped now, but I could feel my dress clung to my body because of the wetness and the cold had already started coming down on me.

"Did you think I forgot about you"? He asked lowly looking at me, personally I don't care if he did "I just had to take care of business" he said as if I care.

"Now smile for the camera ПРИНЦЕССА, Lorenzo's going to love this" he said holding up his phone and seemingly taking a picture or recording, my head was bent low with my hair covering most part of my face.

I could feel every pain seer through my body, my head was throbbing and my ears were ringing loudly, maybe due to hunger or all the blood I'd lost but I was feeling dizzy and out of breath.

He dropped the phone and walked towards me before raising my head up so I'm looking at him, his grip on my hair was tight and I felt like my scalp would give out and bleed.

The sinister smirk on his face only made me want to roll my eyes but I couldn't

"You don't seem to be chatty this time" he muttered lowly with a smirk, I just groaned out trying to get my hair out of his grip but failing miserably.

He let go of my hair and my head just flopped down to it's normal position with my hair all over my face, he smacked his tongue on his lips before he brought his hands up on my bleeding arm.

"You have lost a lot of blood" he stated making me groan out, of course dickhead, I thought to myself and someone would think he cares by the way he said it but he was only taunting me.

"Let's see what's beneath that" he muttered before completely ripping open the arm part of my dress from it's initial tear hole, the fabric of the dress made an echo sound around the room as he ripped it open.

The cold air hit the open wound sitting on my arm and I sucked in a breath, then I felt something warm on my arm, I didn't get a chance to look at it before he was pressing down on the wound, his fingers going deep inside the cut.

I don't recognize my own voice as a blood hurling scream escapes my lips, he kept applying pressure on the open wound while looking at me, his eyes held no remorse, no pity and no emotions.

While I was writhing and wanting to get out of his grasp, he kept pressing and soon enough I feel the already dried surface of my arm become warm again, I was bleeding all over again.

As I kept screaming and shaking violently, only one thought on my mind, how much of a sadist is Dimitri Volkov?
He was enjoying this more than a normal human should.

By the time he had taken his hand off my arm, his fingers were coated and dripping with my blood, my whole vision was once again blurry and hazy, I could barely make out anything in front of me.

I heard the thumbing of shoes on the hard floor and the banging of the metal door and just like that he was gone again, leaving me here to bleed out.

I gently raised my head and looked at my arm, precisely where he had messed with the open wound, I almost gagged at what I saw.

The flesh was open, the gash was very much visible and covered in thick chunks of my blood, the flesh was looking very unhealthy and most likely would be infected in a matter of seconds.

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