Chapter 22

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Tears, silent tears were running down her face, she looked beside her at the man snoring lightly on the bed, he looked peaceful, after ruining her completely.

She looked at her body and there were bruise marks, her thighs were covered in bruises, her dress was completely ripped and there was blood dripping down from her private area.

Dimitri had taken her virginity in a brutal way.
He'd raped her
Because he wanted revenge
He wanted revenge on Cara, for what? She did not know.

She was still crying silently, wondering how her life had come to this when he stirred beside her.

His head was pounding hard, he barely opened his eyes, and he realized he was inside the room, but whose room.

The memory from the past hour was hazy, he remembered going to Vera's grave and drinking himself to stupor before he decided to come home to.... Cara

Oh shit, he sprang up and almost regretted his movement because his head was splitting, he looked around him and that's when he saw her.

She was sitting just a few inches away from him, she was almost naked, her dress was ripped and she was crying.

He looked at himself and he was shirtless, his pants zipper was undone and that was all he needed to know what he'd just done.

His eyes moved back to her and she was crying silently, she hadn't looked at him, she couldn't look at him, not after what he did to her.

There was blood on the sheets and he already knew who they belonged to.

He willed himself and got up, he couldn't even say anything to her, what would he even say to her?
He walked out of the room with his head down and ringing in his ears.

He walked towards his own room before going in and shutting the door behind him, he relaxed his back on the door and slid down to the ground.

His head was pounding, his mind was hazy, he was drunk yes but he remembered everything he'd done.

He'd raped her
The one thing he never thought he'd do to anyone in this life, he did to her.
Because he was angry.

And the worse thing was, Ivan was right
She's not Cara, they look alike but she's not Cara.
He knew this because for a fact, Cara's married, has been for years now, but the person he just touched was virgin before he did.

He was her first, she's definitely not Cara.
He felt the pain in his chest, he had a tight caving in his chest.

What had he done?
Ivan warned him but he didn't listen
Now he'd acted on impulse and anger.
He'd raped her

Was Ivan right?
Had he become Fabio without knowing it?
How would he face Ivan?
What would he tell him, he knew how Ivan felt about this girl and now he had forcefully had his way with her.

He sat there for what felt like hours thinking hard about what he had done.
He was shaking.
He was losing his mind

Her tears stricken face was haunting him, the look she had on when she looked at him, he knew she hated him now.
If she didn't hate him before, she hated him now.

All the things he had done to her was surfacing to him now, all the tortures and humiliation, but he knew none of them was as big as what he'd done now.

How would he even face her.
His men, if they ever knew of this, he'd lose the respect they all have for him.

He was never one in support of forcing a woman sexually, but he had done so himself.
He cut off Vlad's fingers because he wanted to touch her but now he had done the same thing.

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